50 Forgotten 2000s Things That Live Deep Within The Memory Of Basically Every Millennial

    Well, unless you're still having nightmares about those Quiznos mutant hamsters!

    1. The struggle it was to get that perfect selfie with a flip phone — and having that one friend who would be the one to take it 'cause they had it down to an art form:

    2. Remembering that you had to bring your digital camera with you anytime you wanted to take real photos that you could share:

    3. Having to buy protective cases for your iPod:

    4. Going to all sorts of forums and websites to find new cheat codes, accessories, and skins for your Sims:

    5. Having to remember to select the option to print in "black and white" when printing out a MapQuest map so as not to waste color ink:

    6. Having your DVR stop recording a TV show if it went over the time it was scheduled for:

    7. Having to compose a text — that included everything you wanted to say — in 160 characters or fewer:

    8. Bedazzling your phone:

    9. Shutting your flip phone hard to get that satisfying noise and the "BITCH BYE" feeling inside:

    10. The mutant Quiznos hamsters that were just horrifying:

    11. And the Honeycomb monster that was even more terrifying:

    12. The insane pressure to come up with a clever and racy email address as your first "official" address:

    13. The feeling of annoyance you'd get when somebody was hogging up Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade:

    14. The struggle to find a real and good-quality MP3 (also not a radio rip) of a new song you wanted on LimeWire:

    15. Getting a song you actually wanted from the free Pick of the Week cards you'd get at Starbucks:

    16. The struggle to successfully enter your iTunes gift card code in just one try:

    17. Being obsessed with Sudoku puzzles:

    18. The anxiety you'd get when burning a mix CD for fear you'd get the dreaded "burn error" message:

    19. Buying skinny CD jewel cases so that you could store your mix CDs without taking up too much space:

    20. Having to have external speakers for your computer (or else you couldn't hear anything):

    21. The Original Chocolate Factory commercial that played every 10 minutes on the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon:

    22. And that Time Life's The Ultimate Love Songs Collection that played all the time and started with Celine Dion singing, "And I'm your lady ... ":

    23. TRL doing spring break and summer episodes outside the studio:

    24. Destroying someone in a poking war:

    25. Finding the perfect Facebook bumper sticker (that hadn't been overused):

    26. Checking your Netflix queue on the reg to see when you'd be getting a DVD:

    27. And physically getting a Netflix DVD in the mail:

    28. Having to adjust the brightness and resolution quality if you wanted the battery life on your portable DVD player to last long:

    29. Using the Photo Booth Warhol-esque photo filter to death:

    30. Buying music video compilation DVDs from your favorite artists so that you could watch the videos whenever you wanted:

    31. The GEICO Cavemen commercials:

    32. The PC vs. Mac commercials:

    33. Emailing your friends a viral video you found funny (like "Shoes"):

    34. Going out of your way to find the LiveJournal of a classmate (whom you had a crush on) so that you could low-key snoop on their life:

    35. The original iPod headphones that were flat in the earpiece and were just plain headphones:

    36. Scooby-Doo! Push-Up pops:

    37. The anti-drug PSA with the girl who melted into the couch 'cause she smoked pot:

    38. And the anti-drug PSA with the judgmental sad dog:

    39. These bendy pencils that you could barely write with:

    40. Bumpits hair inserts and the commercials for them that played nonstop:

    41. Ore-Ida's Funky Fries — that were maybe too ahead of their time:

    42. The melting-snowman Campbell's soup commercial:

    43. The ShamWow guy:

    44. The commercials for E-Trade that featured the talking baby:

    45. The Jamster commercials for ringtones:

    46. And the Jamster commercials that offered weird random text exchanges:

    47. Howie Long and Teri Hatcher doing commercials for RadioShack:

    48. Tooth Tunes, which played a two-minute clip of a song through your teeth:

    49. Mentadent toothpaste, which was the bougiest and sloppiest toothpaste you could get:

    50. And finally, that excitement you would feel when you'd hear that squeaky-door-opening noise and see that your friend was logging on to AIM: