40 Extremely Specific Things From Their Childhood That Millennials Did In The '90s

    Something so satisfying about sniffing the VHS cover of a Disney movie.

    1. Having to sit up really close to the TV to watch it (even though your parents told you NOT to) 'cause TV sets were so tiny back then:

    2. Watching Sister, Sister and thinking you might have a long-lost twin out there:

    3. And wishing you could have a sassy talking cat like Salem whenever you watched Sabrina the Teenage Witch:

    4. Having Nickelodeon Studios as one of the main reasons you wanted to visit Orlando:

    5. Wanting to take a nose dive into the stuffed animals pile at the back of the Disney Store any time you went into it:

    6. Carrying around a whole little world in your pocket:

    7. And also carrying around a book filled with so many little worlds:

    8. Getting excited just looking at the back of the packaging of a Super Nintendo or N64 game, 'cause it actually was your first good glimpse at the game:

    9. Feeling like you were treating yourself to a gourmet meal whenever you had a Kid Cuisine:

    10. Sitting down and reading books in the big comfy chairs whenever you went to Barnes and Noble...

    11. ...or if you couldn't find a chair, just sitting in the aisle:

    12. Always picking the cheeseburger or french fries seats to sit on whenever you went to McDonald's:

    13. Going to at least one Lion King-themed birthday party (maybe it was even your own):

    14. And, of course, owning at least one Lion King stuffed animal:

    15. Having a period where you pretty much ate, slept, and breathed all things Power Rangers:

    16. Watching Hercules and feeling that you needed (and still need) a movie of just the Muses:

    17. Not only watching this movie over and over, but also quoting it endlessly:

    18. Never being able to resist sniffing the VHS clam shell whenever you watched a movie:

    19. Having a strong urge to call Miss Cleo whenever her commercials aired:

    20. Getting so pumped whenever you saw the commercial for Crossfire:

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    21. The overwhelming smell of tires whenever you walked through the bicycle aisle at Toys "R" Us:

    22. And the blinding amount of pink you would see whenever you walked through the Barbie aisle at Toys "R" Us:

    23. Having your first ~designer~ sheets be Disney character ones:

    24. Having all the dark subject matter in Hey Arnold! go over your head:

    25. Watching shows that actually felt old on Nick at Nite:

    26. Hitting your teeth with a Sound Bites and it actually hurting a little:

    27. The lure of the toy aisle at Target because of its amazing endcaps:

    28. And pushing all the sound buttons on the CD listening station at Target:

    29. Learning so much random trivia whenever you watched Pop-Up Video:

    30. Breaking out in a cold sweat whenever you watched this stressful AF scene:

    31. And low-key being scared whenever you watched Jumanji:

    32. Feeling like you won the lottery whenever you found one of these in your lunchbox:

    33. Knowing you need to get TF away from a Sky Dancer whenever you launched one 'cause those suckers hurt like hell if they landed on you:

    34. Reading the Wishbone versions of classic books:

    35. Feeling a bit confused by the scale your Toy Story toys came in:

    36. Decorating your walls and ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars, which you thought looked so dreamy at night:

    37. Straining your neck whenever you got to watch something on TV in your classroom ('cause the TV was always bolted to the ceiling in the corner):

    38. The satisfaction you got when you would build your pencil box at the beginning of the year:

    39. Always making KB Toys your first stop whenever you went to the mall and wondering why there was ALWAYS toys thrown all over the floor:

    40. And finally, having the Bagel Bites jingle stuck in your head whenever you made some (or just stuck in your head in general):

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