29 Preschool Toys That'll Make '90s Kids Say, "OMG, I Totally Played With That!"

    Does anyone know what the hell was the point of Bumble Ball?

    1. The tape recorder that made you feel like a pop star:

    2. A toy you were allowed to destroy with markers:

    3. Bean bags, which were the most random-ass things to play with:

    4. The ultimate in flashlight technology:

    5. Puzzles with really big pieces:

    6. Puzzles with big wooden pieces:

    7. These blocks that you NEVER wanted to accidentally step on barefoot:

    8. Your first retail job:

    9. Your first iPad:

    10. This game which had no point:

    11. This game that was basically just Hungry Hungry Hippos:

    12. These stylin’ roller skates that barely moved:

    13. This simple game that really entertained you:

    14. This game that entertained you for about three minutes:

    15. This truly epic castle:

    16. Your very own pirate ship:

    17. Play food that actually made you really hungry:

    18. Koosh balls, which you basically just smelled:

    19. The first car you ever drove:

    20. The ol’ fishin’ hole:

    21. The ~magical~ vanishing milk bottle:

    22. Fisher-Price Little People that were as big as your fist:

    23. Unidentifiable green gooze:

    24. Glo Worms that randomly appeared in your toy box:

    25. This toy that tricked you into vacuuming:

    26. Stuffed prehistoric pals:

    27. All the sounds on the farm (and then some):

    28. Bricks you could throw:

    29. And finally, the toy that you only played at the doctor's or dentist's office: