27 Pictures That Are Too Real If You Were Between The Ages Of 12-18 In 1999

    Back when our biggest worry was whether Y2K would destroy our VCR.

    1. Either loving or being indifferent to Britney Spears because she was the biggest pop star in the world — also not really getting what all the controversy was about over this cover:

    2. Watching teen movies meant these CLASSICS:

    3. Tuning into creepy teen shows meant Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

    4. The Gap's "Everyone in..."....

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    5. ...and Old Navy commercials were ads you actually wanted to see (also, there was no skipping through commercials back then):

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    6. Thinking you were punk 'cause you owned this Blink-182 album:

    7. Having your mind completely blown by the plot twist in the Sixth Sense — then having to fight the urge to not spoil it for anyone who hadn't seen it:

    8. Hearing Cher's ICONIC "Believe"...

    9. and Ricky Martin's "Livin' la Vida Loca" EVERYWHERE:

    10. Hearing people talk about how The Sopranos was the most genius show ever:

    11. Bawling your eyes out for the first time at a Pixar movie, during the "When She Loved Me" scene in Toy Story 2:

    12. Having your mind absolutely blown when you saw The Matrix for the first time:

    13. Yelling at the TV when people answered the question wrong on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?:

    14. Buying or having your parents buy you millennium editions of EVERYTHING:

    15. Downloading every single song you ever heard from Napster — even if it did take almost an entire day to get one song:

    16. Singing along to "No Scrubs" and feeling like it was your anthem (LOL):

    17. Getting excited every time the new issue of Teen People came in the mail:

    18. Making sure you tuned into TRL every afternoon to see where your favorite video landed:

    19. Also, getting into singers and bands you would have never listened to thanks to TRL (looking at you, Korn):

    20. Owning a portable CD player that looked like a mini-UFO:

    21. At some point trying to do the hand chroeo to Backstreet Boy's "I Want It That Way" (in the privacy of your own room of course):

    22. Being in awe of Lil' Kim wearing this iconic look to VMAs:

    23. Wanting a robot dog 'cause it seemed like the future:

    24. Begging your parents for an iMac 'cause it was like the coolest designed thing you had ever laid your eyes on:

    25. Treating your Beanie Baby collection with care 'cause you thought it would be worth sooooo much money in the future:

    26. Seeing and hearing Y2K warnings everywhere:

    27. And finally, watching Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace and convincing yourself that it was a good movie: