21 Things That Used To Be Important In Elementary School But Aren't At All Now

    Such a pure time.

    1. Perfecting this signture, so that you could put it on EVERYTHING:

    2. Selling as many chocolates as possible — more for pride than the actual prize:

    3. Having a cool ~statement~ lunchbox:

    4. Having one of these (or both) in your lunchbox:

    5. Trying to keep your crayons pristine as long as possible:

    6. Trying to keep the smell of your markers pristine for as long as possible:

    7. Being assigned the task of being line leader (aka the front of the line) by your teacher:

    8. Making sure you got a chocolate milk before they ran out:

    9. Getting a few books that you really wanted from the Scholastic Book Fair:

    10. Being able to pretend that you shot lead:

    11. Saving the best Valentine’s Day card from the pack for your BFF or crush:

    12. Having a cool container to store your supplies in:

    13. Fooling around on this for as long as humanly possible:

    14. Creating the biggest marker sword that you could:

    15. Making sure you grabbed the newest ball during recess:

    16. Getting the future that you wanted (or at least better than your friends) when playing MASH:

    17. Completing the Book It! challenge — 'cause you wanted the pin and the free pizza:

    18. Having an oh-so-pretty eraser collection (that you never intended to use):

    19. Having a super-cool pencil topper:

    20. Making sure you completed your D.A.R.E workbook and signed the pledge so that you could get the T-shirt:

    21. And finally, getting as many kids to sign your T-shirt on the last day of school.