If You're Between 32–45, You'll Immediately Realize That These 37 Photos Have Been Living Rent-Free Deep In Your Mind For The Last Two Decades

    Back when there was NO bigger flex than owning a TV with a built-in DVD and VCR combo.

    1. VH1's I Love the '80s, '90s, and '70s, which you learned sooooo much stuff about pop culture and even history from:

    Closeup of Michael Ian Black

    2. And VH1's The Fabulous Life of... which you learned all about luxury brands from:

    "The Fabulous Life of Jennifer Lopez"

    3. The home login screen for Windows XP on your family's computer:

    A WindowsXP home page

    4. The singing mutant Quiznos hamsters that were just horrifying:

    Screenshot from a Quiznos commercial

    5. The Fantanas and their catchy AF "Wanna Fanta! Don't you wanna?" jingle:

    The Fantanas

    6. The skill of taking selfies with flip phones:

    A woman taking a selfie on a flip phone

    7. TVs that came with built-in DVD and VHS players, which were such a flex if you owned one:

    A TV with a VCR and DVD player

    8. The iHome stereo with the remote, which was also such a flex if you owned one:

    The iPod home stereo

    9. And iPod socks that literally did nothing to protect your iPod if you accidentally dropped it:

    iPod socks

    10. Purple and green ketchup that you swore tasted different than regular ketchup:

    11. Madonna and Missy Elliott's "Into the Hollywood Groove" Gap commercial and ad campaign:

    Closeup of Missy Elliott and Madonna

    12. Jessica Simpson's Dessert Beauty, which you really wanted only to see if it actually tasted good:

    Jessica Simpson's Dessert Beauty line

    13. The belt section at Hot Topic which was full of studded belts — but you could also pick up a white or clear belt:

    Hot Topic belts

    14. The over-priced CD section at Borders that you were always tempted to buy a CD from:

    A CD section in a store

    15. Club Libby Lu stores at the mall, which looked like it was the love child of Bratz Dolls and the Limited Too:

    A little girl wearing a Club Libby Lu shirt

    16. The massage chairs inside Sharper Image that always had one old man hogging one up for way too long:

    People sitting in massage chairs

    17. Watching marathons of Trading Spaces on TLC on the weekends. And mainly watching them for the reactions of the people who got an ugly redecorated room:

    The cast of "Trading Spaces"

    18. Watching MTV's Pimp My Ride to see what horrible makeover they'd do to the cars:

    "Pimp My Ride"

    19. MapQuest maps that you printed out. And 99% of the time you forgot to print out only black and white instead of color:

    MapQuest directions

    20. Celebs wearing American flag, I ❤️ NY, and FDNY clothing on red carpets and events after 9/11:

    21. The red Netflix envelope, which was always a little thrill when you saw it in the mail:

    A Netflix envelope with a DVD in it

    22. The absolute magical chaos that was the midnight release of a new Harry Potter book:

    Fans at a Harry Potter book release

    23. Philadelphia Cheesecake Snack Bars, which were the perfect afterschool treat or dessert:

    Philadelphia Snack Bars

    24. Restaurants and food brands changing their products in order to be Atkins friendly:

    A Subway menu

    25. The stack of blank CDs that sat next to the computer — which could inspire you to make a mix CD by just looking at it:

    Blank CDs

    26. The gaudy outfits David and Victoria Beckham wore on the red carpets in the early '00s:

    Closeup of Victoria and David Beckham

    27. The Disney DVDs that came with FastPlay, which you would press immediately, but it never seemed to actually work:

    Disney's FastPlay menu

    28. Interactive DVD menus that sometimes came with hidden features that you needed to know how to access:

    A Shrek DVD menu

    29. The Girls Gone Wild commercials they played late at night and you were always worried someone would walk in while it was playing:

    Girls Gone Wild commercial

    30. The "Animal crackers in my soup" part from the Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD commercial that played ALL the time on Cartoon Network:

    Closeup of Shirley Temple

    31. Best Buy having, like, 50% of its floor space dedicated to just DVDs:

    A man shopping for DVDs

    32. And the Best Buy Geek Squad Volkswagen Beetles that were always parked outside:

    A Geek Squad VW

    33. LiveStrong bracelets, which you wore because it was popular and it showed you "cared":

    A LiveStrong bracelet

    34. And the red string bracelets celebs wore because they were into Kabbalah:

    A man wearing a red string on his wrist

    35. The bright green "on light" on the old external computer speakers:

    A computer speaker

    36. Turning on your desktop like this and then feeling the warm heat of the computer tower on your leg:

    A person turning on a computer with their foot

    37. And lastly, having Internet Explorer crash on you, which was always at the worst time:

    A computer with a virus on it