If Moms Talked To Each Other IRL The Way They Do Online

    And you thought vaginal tearing was the scariest part of motherhood...

    Parents can be pretty harsh to each other online, TBH. Face to face? It would be BRUTAL. And ridiculous.

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    BuzzFeed Yellow / Via youtu.be

    ...Now that we think about it, it's kind of ridiculous ALREADY, isn't it?

    The comments about how cute your baby is are flattering... but it's a little weird when you tell every parent their baby is the cutest, isn't it?

    Some parents feel like they can write open letters about other parents without having any idea what's actually going on with them.

    Differences in simple preferences can blow up into huge judgments about you and your character.

    Sometimes, people will come at you with totally strong and totally opposite opinions -- it can feel like there's no right choice!

    And I mean EVERYONE.

    In the end, all that "helpful feedback" can be so overwhelming and not even helpful at all...

    ...So take a breath, parents. You know what's best for your family.