True Love Exists Because Rihanna Got A New Tattoo And It Might Be About Drake

    Aubrih till the end <3

    So we all know that Rihanna and Drake have had a little ~something~ going on for a while now and tbh it's cute AF.

    And recently Drake presented Rihanna with the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the VMAs.

    Well it looks like Rihanna has taken Drake's cute gesture and not only matched him, but levelled up by getting a tattoo that may or may not be inspired by him and their relationship.

    APPARENTLY, Drake rented out Ripley's Aquarium of Canada for a date with Rihanna. Y'know, just a regular date.

    Breaking the fin-ternet. #camoshark #Aubrih

    And while they were there, the pair apparently got one of the aquarium's toy sharks.

    After the alleged aquarium date, Drake posted this picture to his Instagram, where you can see a bit of Aubrih and their new friend.

    Rihanna was even seen carrying the cute toy in her bag.

    Anyway, recently Rihanna was seen out partying with a suspicious blue tape around her ankle, which started rumours of a new tattoo.

    Which leads us back to the shark.

    And now we can all go and cry together because true love really does exist. 😭💖