"Do NOT Put Chilli Peppers On Your Privates" – People Are Reliving The Silliest Things They Did As A Kid, And I Can Totally Relate

    "Needless to say, it works and was very painful to get free."

    Adolescence is a time of doing incredibly silly things – I guess it's how we learn not to make these mistakes when we're a bit older. But it's always fun to look back and have a bit of a laugh at ourselves.

    Well, in a recent post, that's exactly what we were doing – and the generous commenters supplied 14 more silly stories:

    1. "When I was 11 or 12, I wanted to shave my legs soooo bad, but my mom said no."

    2. "My brother was about eight or nine and wanted to find out what would happen if he put hot pepper juices on his downstairs area."

    3. "Spray deodorant and a lighter, need I say more."

    4. "My family would often tell me a story about the time my cousin shoved a small crayon up her nose. It got stuck, and she needed to go to the hospital to have it removed."

    5. "In seventh grade (in 1980), I had a small fleet of plastic WW2 warships."

    6. "My brother decided to shove popcorn kernels in both of his ears."

    7. "My four-year-old sister somehow found a wooden ruler and proceeded to jump up and down on her bed with it."

    8. "When I was in high school one of my friends built his own homemade taser."

    9. "My cousin once talked me into laying my hand flat on a table so he could try this stabbing-between-fingers thing with a pencil."

    10. "My mom once told me that when the stovetop is on, it's hot."

    11. "I was sevenish in school and my pencil broke."

    12. "When I was about 11 I wanted to see if your tongue could really stick to the freezer, like in Dumb and Dumber with the lift pole."

    13. "We were on a school trip and we managed to source some booze. Naturally, things got quite over the top."

    14. "I couldn't stop eating the soaps in Lush."

    What's the silliest thing you did as a kid? Let us know in the comments below!