We Were All Pretty Dumb When We Were Kids, That's How It Works – Here Are 18 Stories To Prove It

    "I once put my hand flat on an iron because I wanted to see if it was still hot."

    Look, we all do some stupid things when we're little – it's part of growing up! In a recent post about people's childhood mishaps, everyone was adding more of their own stupid stories, because sharing is caring.

    So, here are 18 more silly things we did when we were young...

    1. "When my son was about 14, he had a friend over and I had to yell at them for playing dodgeball. On the roof."

    2. "I jumped into a briar patch because I wanted to pretend to be a rabbit... Very dumb."

    3. "I was laying on the floor acting silly with a quarter in my hand dangling it above my face."

    4. "When I was like six or seven, I was lying in my mom's bed at night because I was afraid to sleep alone."

    5. "My cousin and I went on lots of fishing trips with our dads and uncles growing up."

    6. "When I was a kid I used to own a horse that I boarded at a farm near my school."

    7. "My daughter, who is eight, broke her arm twice this year... Once jumping out of a window and the other falling on ice four months after the other break. Poor girl."

    8. "I set off a bunch of fireworks that were not properly stable. I was also way too close to my dad's shed."

    9. "When I was in middle school, I had a friend whose dad managed a small movie theatre. Occasionally we'd hang out there after school before it opened to the public."

    10. "I once put my hand flat on an iron because I wanted to see if it was still hot."

    11. "I shoved candies up my nose and had to go to the doctor to get them out."

    12. "I recall, around pre-teen age, I thought part of 'becoming a woman' was to always make sure you smell good 'down there.'"

    13. "When I was little, all my friends were boys and at sleepovers, we would play a game called 'madhouse' where it was like a fight to the death."

    14. "At a party one, we were playing with a sword and someone dropped it on a boy's foot..."

    15. "I was 12 and my mom had broken her ankle. I was playing with her crutches around the house."

    16. "I shoved a peanut up my nose so far that a doctor had to remove it."

    17. "My mom was getting married to my stepdad. They were at the altar and the officiant was about to marry them."

    18. "My brother lied to me when I asked him what haircut to get at the barber (it was my first time). He said, 'just ask for a number one all over.'"

    What's the silliest thing you or someone you know did when you were young? Let us know in the comments below!