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    The 27 Products On This List Can Make A Pet Owner's Life A Bit Easier

    If your pet could talk, they might even thank you.

    1. A massive box of poop bags for your pup because it's inevitable your doggo is gonna want to take twice as many walks before winter rolls around. Bonus: These are 100% leak-proof, so no poop gets on your hands.

    A reviewer walking their dog with the poop bags

    2. A pack of potty pads to keep you and your home happy. These babies are leak-proof and have five layers and a quick-dry surface.

    a Frenchie puppy on one of the pads

    3. A citrus deodorizer for dog and cat urine smells on surfaces because sometimes our furry besties have accidents that need cleaning up. With over 6,000 5-star reviews, customers swear by this product, and now maybe you will, too.

    A reviewer's photo of the orange bottle of spray

    4. A dental wipe that slips over your finger and works on both cats and dogs because sometimes you just gotta help them freshen their breath. By wiping their teeth with these, you're also helping reduce their plaque build-up.

    5. A reptile terrarium cleaner, because your favorite scaly critter deserves to have a home as clean as yours. This nontoxic cleanser also serves as a deodorizer that can be used on acrylic, glass, or other shiny non-absorbent surfaces.

    A bottle of the cleaner in a reviewer's home.

    6. A giant storage bin that'll store your pet food so it doesn't get stale. Made with BPA-free food-grade plastic, this will keep the food safe and secure. Since it comes in giant sizes, you can get an XL bag of food, too.

    7. A no-drip water bottle to add to your fluffy friend's cage. This no-mess bottle can hold up to 32 ounces of water and is BPA-free!

    a reviewer photo of a guinea pig dreaming from the waterer

    8. A cat litter deodorizing powder, because sometimes you just need to bring out the *major* cleaning products. This powder, which gets layered with your litter, has a moisture-activated scent to keep your litter box smelling fresh. It also helps prevent clumps from sticking to the box.

    A reviewer photo of the box of powder next to two litter boxes with the powder sprinkled inside

    9. A placemat for your pet's food and water bowls, so you don't have to worry about any of it messing up your floor. We should mention that it's waterproof and *soooo* easy to clean! Just throw it in the dishwasher or wipe with a wet rag.

    10. A self-cleaning slicker brush for your cats and dogs because it's about time you invest in a good one! It can actually help detangle your pet's floof, reduce their shedding, and even help remove dirt and debris. Since this is a self-cleaning brush, all you need to do is press a button, and swipe everything away!

    11. A car seat protector that's perfect for keeping your car and friends with pet allergies happy. Plus, it's so easy to maintain that this machine-washable bb might just change your life.

    a reviewer photo with a dog on the black backseat protector

    12. A lint roller because although it's nothing innovative, it will keep your clothing fur-free. Did you know this particular one actually specializes in sticking to fur? Well, now you do — plus, this one comes with refills!

    13. And a ChomChom roller that removes pet fur from all your upholstered furniture and bedding because no one needs to know you have 9,499,548,813 cats. The best part is you don't need batteries to get this working — just run it over the area with fur and watch it work its magic. To clean it out, press a button to release the fur; it's really that easy.

    14. A paw soother stick to help your pup's irritated paws. Not only is it easy to apply, but it moisturizes, softens, and soothes your pup's paws right away. Fun fact: This item is also organic, vegan, and made of ~natural~ ingredients.

    15. A litter box enclosure that looks like a sleek contemporary bench, because why not hide the gross, ugly litter box inside a stylish piece of furniture? Practical and complete with a removable partition, you can even use the other half to store supplies! You and your cat deserve this.

    16. A pack of plant-based and compostable wipes to use on your pet in between baths or when you accidentally leave lipstick marks on them. Something super cool about this product is that it can be used on your dog's face, paws, and tushie! Side note: With every purchase, some money goes back to support shelters and rescues.

    A reviewer's white dog next to a box of white and green wipes

    17. A combination flashlight, poop bag carrier, and leash that you and your pup 100% need in your lives. Not only will this improve your life overall, but it'll also improve your daily dog-walking routine. This is basically the perfect accessory for any pooch parent.

    A model pulling poop bag from blue and black flashlight leash

    18. A waterless no-rinse shampoo to make giving your pets a bath a way less intimidating chore. Scented with lavender and chamomile, this calming product might just be exactly what your pet needs. To use, just pump out the product, apply it to your pet, dry with a towel and brush. Easy peasy!

    A reviewer's photo of white,purple and green container of product in front of a white fluffy dog with black and orange ears

    19. A cat tree with a scratching post to keep your kitty focused on their own furniture instead of destroying yours. Besides providing a space for them to scratch to their heart's content, this also offers an alternative spot (to your couch or bed) for them to nap.

    a reviewer photo of two cats lounging on the cat tower

    20. A pet odor and stain remover for your home because, let's face it, if you have a pet, you probably need this (you're not alone, we promise). This product leaves no residue behind and is safe to use around pets and humans.

    21. A pack of chicken-flavored pill pockets so you can trick your fur baby into eating and enjoying their medication. All you need to do is drop the pill inside, pinch it shut, offer them a treat, and you (and your dog) are golden.

    A reviewer's hand with brown treat and white pills in front of a small black dog

    22. A bitter spray to keep your pets from chewing up your shoes, furniture, and everything in between. Not only will this save you from buying new items, but it will also teach your new fur baby a valuable lesson.

    a reviewer photo of the spray bottle

    23. A pooper scooper for your yard to make cleaning up number two way easier. In addition to coming with a rake and bin, it also comes with poop bags to line the bin. So you won't have to worry about bending over to pick up all that poop and then getting it all over the place while trying to toss it out.

    A reviewer's black rake and bin with a yellow box of bags

    24. A treat-dispensing licky mat to actually get your pup in the shower or bathtub. Amazingly, this will stick on the floor or the wall! We should also add that it's dishwasher and freezer safe.

    25. A pack of BuzzFeed Tasty dog treats to reward your pup after a long day of being über-cute, without giving them any unhealthy snacks. Made with six ingredients, including grilled chicken and sweet potato, this treat is going to have your pup begging for more.

    26. A travel-friendly water bottle because the hydration struggle is real. It may seem like a normal water bottle at first, but it has a paddle-like basin for your pet to lap out of. Just press the button, and water comes flowing out. You can also use the button to get excess water back in the bottle! Also, it's leak-proof!

    a reviewer's black dog drinking from the bottle outside

    27. A vacuum that specializes in sucking up pet fur from your floors. If you have a dog or a cat, you probably need this. Although we love our pets, their extra fluff can cause allergies or give your home additional dust bunnies, but the good news is this will take care of all that.

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides!

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