19 Reasons Why Travelling For Work Is The Best But Also The Absolute Worst

    You're being paid to see the world, and you're eating for free. Obviously everything is awful.

    1. Growing up, you always wanted a job that would "let you travel"...and now you finally have it!

    2. All your colleagues are jealous because they only see the good parts on Instagram.

    3. But when people say "wow you're so lucky you get to travel for work," you're quick to tell them...nah.

    4. Let's be real. Travelling for work is actually extremely frustrating.

    5. You plan to spend your free evenings exploring a new city, meeting people, doing fun things.

    6. But your evenings usually end up looking more like this:

    7. You have to leave your loved ones at home.

    8. Even the most beautiful cities have stopped being impressive.

    9. You are also forced to sleep in a hotel room. It's outrageous.

    10. Airlines think they can just "delay flights" whenever they feel like it.

    United Airlines: *delays flight 3 times* Me:


    11. And then you get on the plane and they think it's "OK" to serve you this.

    12. But it's not all bad. You get to pretend like you actually have money and are important.

    13. Your packing game is strong, because you've had so much practice.

    14. It actually is kind of nice to have some alone time in a different city.

    15. Until you get home and realise it's time to do your trip expenses.

    16. At least the finance team approved that ~team drinks~ receipt you submitted for reimbursement.

    17. Your whole life has fallen apart while you were away, but you're too tired to do anything about it.

    18. Honestly, you're not complaining. You know how lucky you are.

    19. But you just checked, and your carbon footprint from all that travel is so high. It is alarmingly high.