16 Struggles You Only Know If You Have Extremely Dry Hands

    Spare a thought for my dry and thirsty hands.

    1. It's something you've known for a long time, ever since you were a kid and your parents sat you down to explain it.

    2. Some days you wake up to eczema-covered nightmare claws...for no apparent reason.

    3. Holding hands with someone for the first time fills you with anxiety and dread.

    4. People take clapping for granted, but this is a thing that actually hurts when you have dry hands.

    My hands are so dry I’m afraid they’ll combust if clap any harder than the ‘polite golf’ variety


    5. When you meet someone new you subtly check out their hands to see if they are soft and perfect, or dry and relatable.

    6. Your hands crack so much that there are tiny blood spots on most of the books you have read.

    I understand I work in a book store but I thought I could last the year without a paper cut and when you have dry hands in the winter your practicality donating blood.

    The worst is when you have to sign an important document and it somehow ends up with blood on it.

    7. People say "just use some hand cream or something!" as though you didn't try that already, once or twice.

    when you have dry hands and apply hand cream but they're still dry so you apply more hand cream but they're still dry so you.... just give up

    8. The truth is you've tried every cream, serum, ointment, oil, remedy, and mask that is available to humankind.

    9. You love a good, fancy glove mask.

    10. And some days you've actually woken up to delicate baby hands!

    11. But sure enough this dream doesn't last, and by 5pm they are back to their natural state:

    12. Sometimes a manicure can help distract from the situation.

    13. Washing your hands makes it worse, but not washing your hands is gross. What to do?

    14. You've blown your life's savings on a dermatologist only to have them tell you to "wash your hands less".

    15. So you start washing only at ~essential~ times but nothing changes.

    16. All you can really do is resign yourself to life as a beautiful lizard princess.