19 Teachers Who Are Serious Experts At This Whole "School" Thing

    We should all bow down.

    1. This teacher who better have won best costume:

    2. This teacher who knew exactly how to get students' attention:

    3. This teacher who answered 85% of the questions in his class by wearing this shirt:

    4. This teacher who decided to rickroll his students before their final:

    5. This teacher who started categorizing blackmail, death threats, death wishes from students, and other job offers on their computer:

    6. This teacher who created a next-level bathroom pass:

    7. This science teacher who became an ace meme creator:

    my physics prof's memes are improving every week

    8. This teacher who ensured academic integrity by projecting his watchful eyes on the whiteboard:

    9. This teacher who decided to dress up for science:

    10. And this teacher who also decided to dress up for science, but took a different route:

    11. This teacher who used AirDrop to catch students red-handed:

    I snuck out my phone during lecture and immediately received this ... cue the x files theme

    yungscott / Via reddit.com

    12. This teacher who took Padawan training seriously:

    13. This teacher who just wanted to make sure you recognized him:

    14. This teacher who got very creative to make sure everyone read the plagiarism policy:

    15. This teacher who saved a special spot for your overdue homework:

    16. This teacher who tested his theorem with a "hands-on" approach:

    17. This teacher who was just waiting for the right question:

    18. This teacher who gave a big ol' middle finger to office hours:

    19. And this teacher who went to extreme lengths to troll Jerry and Robby:

    H/T r/funny