If You're Having A Bad Christmas, At Least You Aren't These People

    Oh no...

    1. This person who went to get the Christmas tree from their attic but made a wrong step.

    2. This person who was thrilled with a $50 holiday gift card from their boss only to find out it had been deducted from their paycheck.

    3. This person who made their dreams of a white Christmas a reality.

    4. The person who was treated to an extra surprise when they looked at their Christmas snow globe.

    5. This person who ruined their Christmas present with one swift tear.

    6. This person who got, like, the worst Christmas present imaginable.

    7. These people who were just about to sit down for a nice Christmas dinner.

    8. This person who just wanted to get a good view of their kids' Christmas concert.

    9. This person who just wanted to make Christmas cookies with chocolate bells on them.

    10. This person who had to work on Christmas Eve and was told there'd be a "nacho bar" in the break room.

    11. This person who probably hasn't felt like the older sibling as much as he did on Christmas morning.

    12. This person who bought a gift for their little brother only for Amazon to deliver it to their front door with zero packaging.

    13. This person who got a good scare because of their ominous decorations.

    14. These people who forgot that the tree is a goner without proper feline protection.

    15. This person who somehow got both more and less than they bargained for.

    16. These people who made the unfortunate decision to put lights on palm trees.

    17. And finally, this girl whose fairy is doing a lot less fluttering these days.

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