19 Amazon Reviews That Will Never Not Be Funny

    "I ordered this when I was high because I thought it was a giant ice cream sandwich. It's not."

    1. This short horror story:

    2. This inedible sandwich:

    3. This demonic discovery:

    4. This sleek container:

    5. This necessary accessory:

    6. This parenting technique:

    7. This inefficient piece of equipment:

    8. This burst of energy:

    9. This handy-dandy tool:

    10. This fair warning:

    11. This fairytale come true:

    12. This discussion finisher:

    13. This graphic description:

    14. This cold reality:

    15. This improvised comment:

    16. This scientific joke:

    17. This creepy encounter:

    18. This fatal flaw:

    19. And this revenge story:

    H/T r/funny