16 Weather Photos I Find Almost As Interesting And Amazing As My Meteorological Crush, Jim Cantore

    I had no idea rainbows could be just pink.

    Last week, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the best amateur weather photos they had on their phones. I am a sucker for cool clouds, so here are my favorite.

    1. This pink rainbow during sunset in Vancouver, BC taken by justpeachy.

    City skyline with a rainbow and sunset clouds

    2. This sunset setting the opposite way in Limpopo, South Africa, taken by AlexT.

    Sun setting behind hills with a bright sky indicating the end of the day

    3. This lightning that gave a big ol' middle finger to the happy rainbow submitted by Hsin Pai.

    Lightning bolt striking near a rainbow and trees under a stormy sky

    4. This wall cloud creeping over (what I assume to be) a great lake taken in Cleveland, OH by Jennakam.

    Imposing shelf cloud over the ocean horizon with a visible sky above

    5. This rainbow that LITERALLY ENDED in seaChel's backyard that, TBH, I'd snap a photo of, too.

    Rainbow arching over a terrain with a metal fence and scattered toys on ground

    6. This swirling snow vortex situation we've got right here captured by ❣️ISLANDMISS❣️ in New York.

    Bright light illuminates clouds at night, with Snapchat interface visible

    7. These drippy and trippy clouds over New Mexico taken by crispyraptor54.

    Sky with unique cloud formation resembling bubble wrap texture over a landscape with trees and buildings

    8. This photo by sillycloud91 that captures the moment lightning struck a tree across the lake in Keuka Lake, NY.

    View from a covered deck showing lightning striking over a lake with boats and docks

    9. This dooming sky taken by kat24601 with no filters of the 2016 fires that makes the building look like it's photoshopped in.

    Orange-hued sky over residential street with palm trees and buildings

    10. These perfectly spaced icicles captured by originalcaptain47 in southern Maine after a snowstorm.

    Sun shining over a snow-covered landscape with a wooden fence and trees

    11. This absolute banger of a sunset that looks like Mother Nature used all of her red paint taken by catsarefriendshaped❤️ in San Diego, CA.

    Silhouette of a cat against a vibrant sunset sky with palm trees

    12. This cloud's color that looks like it didn't finish loading, taken by chelseasutton89.

    Cumulus cloud illuminated by sunset above a building

    13. This rainbow cloud spotted by loispetitt18 in Kent, UK that looks like a dragon's eye.

    A blurry scene with a faint rainbow above silhouetted trees

    14. This double rainbow (because you can never have too much rainbow) caught by Dazed in Colorado Springs, CO.

    Double rainbow over a cityscape with cloudy skies

    15. This picture taken by Abbie witnessing a cloud double helix-ing and being a little silly.

    Sky with unusual cloud formation resembling a vertical swirl above tree silhouettes

    16. This very even cloud cover over Evansville, Indiana taken by chelseasutton89.

    Dramatic storm clouds gather over a landscape with buildings on the horizon

    In the words of Bill Nye, science rules! If you have a cool weather photo, please, make my day a little cloudier and drop it in the comments below!