17 Photos Of Animals That Are Rare Because Of Their Colors, Patterns, Feathers, And Fur

    Here I am thinking, "How can I be as beautiful as a thrasher shark."

    1. This iridescent thrasher shark that's a whole disco ball.

    person holding up a shark

    2. This yellow possum who, if I'm not mistaken, is actually a Pokémon.

    possum standing on branch

    3. This fluffy moose that saw the solid brown and said, "Eh, not for me."

    spotted mouse in the snow

    4. This rare galaxy frog who looks like it has infinite wisdom.

    frog looks like the night sky

    5. This lobster that listened to Hannah Montana's "Best of Both Worlds" and took it seriously.

    split colored lobster

    6. This one-of-a-kind pink manta ray named Inspector Clouseau because of...you guessed it, the Pink Panther.

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    7. And this katydid (aka bush cricket) who drew inspiration from Inspector Clouseau.

    pink cricket

    8. This chameleon who said, "It's not easy being green, so why should I?"

    white and red chameleon on vine

    9. This seal who decided to ramp up the cuteness just a little bit.

    seals on the rocks

    10. This Qinling panda who made the recessive genes work in its golden favor.

    panda walking

    11. This goth rooster that wants to stand out.

    black rooster in field

    12. This golden tiger who honestly looks like its stripes were filled in coloring book-style.

    tiger with orange stripes instead of the traditional black stripes

    13. And this fairy pink armadillo who is typically between 3.5–4.5 inches, just scurrying around being all cute and rose-colored.

    14. This yellow ladybug who decided it was DONE with spots.

    15. This stealthy little deer who decided the beige was so Bambi.

    dark deer in a bush

    16. This POLKA DOT ZEBRA. Stripes are so overdone!

    17. Finally, this raccoon who turned in their nature-issued bandit mask and went for more of a miniature polar bear look.

    white raccoon coming out of a hole in a tree