25 Totally Real Things That People Say Feel Just As Good As Having Sex

    "Picking a booger that feels like it's attached to your brain stem."

    Ah, sex. Some would say there's nothing in the world quite like it.

    But according to others, there are quite a few things that feel just as great.

    In fact, recently, a viral Reddit thread asked people to share the things that are equally as enjoyable as sex, and they're honestly pretty accurate, not gonna lie:

    1. "When you're cutting wrapping paper and the scissors start gliding."


    2. "Picking that booger that feels like it’s attached to your brain stem."


    3. "When someone cancels plans you weren't really interested in but felt obligated to go to."

    4. "Finding money in places you forgot about."


    5. "When you're staring at an attractive person and they make eye contact with you and hold it for a few seconds before you both look away. If there was any way to bottle up this feeling and bathe in it, I totally would."


    6. "Yawning after a plane ride when your ears finally pop."

    7. "When someone texts you back right away. Especially if they usually take two business days to reply."


    8. "Wiping and finding the toilet paper clean on the first swipe."


    9. "Getting a piece of food out of your teeth that has been bothering you."

    10. "Popping bubble wrap."


    11. "When you flush a huge shit and the toilet temporarily clogs to the point of overflowing, but then the pressure suddenly clears the clog and the whole thing goes down."


    12. "Giving someone a hug who hugs you back tighter."

    13. "Waking up to your work alarm, only to realize it's the weekend."


    14. "When you pull into the driveway right as the song ends."


    15. "Successfully plugging in your phone charger in the dark on the first try before going to bed."

    16. "Someone playing with your hair."


    17. "Slipping on a warm pair of boxers just out of the dryer."


    18. "Closing all your tabs after finishing a project or assignment."

    19. "Scratching the itch that you haven't been able to because you've been in public."


    20. "Taking your bra off at the end of the day."


    21. "Going to sleep when you're really tired. Like, if you just got off a 16-hour flight and barely slept at all, and then finally, finally you get to go to sleep."

    22. "Remembering the name of an actor before you finish looking them up."


    23. "Lying in my sleeping bag in a dry tent when it's pouring rain outside. There is something extremely satisfying about being warm and dry when camping in the rain."


    24. "Telling a joke at the right time and making people laugh."


    25. "I have four kids, so...silence."

    Some responses have been edited for length and clarity.