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Parents — Tell Us The Funniest Or Weirdest Thing You've Learned About Your Kid Since Being Quarantined With Them

"I sure hope my son touches his penis less in real school than he does in homeschool."

Let's face it — being quarantined with our significant others 24/7 has introduced us to some weird things about them we didn't know before:

Well, those of us who are parents have discovered some hilariously random and weird things about our kids during the quarantine, too:

So we want you to tell us the weird or hilarious thing you've learned about your kid since being quarantined with them.

Maybe you've recently discovered that they have a peculiar way of opening their snacks:

My kids are absolute savages when it comes to opening chips/pretzels. This is like the 907th most annoying thing I've learned about them in quarantine

Or perhaps you've witnessed some hilarious in-class habits:

I sure hope my son touches his penis less in real school than he does at homeschool....

Maybe you found out the hard way that they don't play as fair on the playground as you thought they did:

Today is the day I learned my kid is a Call Timeout As You're About To Tag Them kid. #Quarantine #momlife

Or maybe you've heard them use some language you didn't even know they had in their repertoire:

Whatever the weirdest or funniest thing you've learned about your kid while being quarantined with them is, we want to hear about it! Tell us (or show us a photo!) in the comments section, and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!