25 Things That Every Formerly Obsessed NSYNC Fan Will Totally Agree With

    Warning: Major fangirling ahead.

    1. That this girl has achieved the American fucking dream.

    2. That you weren't a super fan unless you had one of their creepy AF No Strings Attached marionette dolls.

    Bonus points if you had the JC one, which looked like it would kill you in the night.

    3. And checked all these titles off your summer reading list.

    4. But TBH, as long as it said NSYNC on it, then "omgIneeditnow!"

    5. That as long as there was VHS, there was no reason to miss a TRL appearance, commercial, or quick wave from the stands of a baseball game...

    6. That true love meant forgiving years of questionable fashion decisions.

    Love is patient, love is kind...

    7. That plain white walls were so 1997.

    8. That when it came to hair, Justin could do no wrong...even when he was doing very, VERY wrong.

    If anyone called him "ramen noodle head" within earshot, you would cut them.

    9. And that this CD was the only holiday cheer you ever needed.

    10. That all those guys in high school that gave you a hard time about your obsession were simply jealous.

    11. That Saturday mornings were for early-bird viewings of very deep documentaries.

    12. That it was totally OK to have mixed feelings about a certain Miss Spears.

    13. That their Disney Concert special is still and always will be a great fucking piece of TV.

    14. And that Backstreet Boys fans weren't invited to the sleepover.

    15. That you weren't the only one who lost their shit during the "Bye, Bye, Bye" video when Justin did this.

    16. Or felt brand-new things inside (hello, puberty!) every time he did this.

    17. And that even though Justin was bae AF, deep down you knew that JC was the best singer.

    18. That it wasn't enough to just know all their birthdays, you had to actually celebrate your favorite member's.

    19. That Chris's ass was too old for the group, but you gave him a pass because he was funny and his falsetto was insane.

    20. That it was OK to collapse into a puddle of tears about Justin leaving the group and fucking up your entire year.

    21. But that it was also OK to be one of the first ones in line to buy his first solo album.

    22. That today's so-called "boy bands" will never, ever measure up.

    23. That you couldn't even when you saw all five guys together for JC's 40th birthday last year on Instagram.

    24. That one day they will reunite in concert form, and the entire universe will be restored to its former glory.

    25. And that this is totally gonna be you.