17 Parents Share The Moment They Knew They Were Ready For Another Kid

    "When my first kid set-up a tea party outside my bathroom door because I was her only playmate."

    We asked parents in the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the moment they knew they were ready for another kid, and the responses were totally relatable and real:

    1. "Our daughter was 3 years old, and I saw my husband hold our friend's baby and got instant baby fever."


    2. "When I started to miss all of those 'baby things' as my daughter grew — the babbles, the toothless smiles, the fat rolls, and the chunky thighs."


    3. "When my first kid set up a full-on tea party outside of my bathroom door while I was showering because I was her only playmate, we knew it was time for a friend."

    4. "When we were on vacation and had too much wine. Cue the drunken ramblings of, 'You're cute, I'm cute, our baby is cute, and we're so damn good at making babies.'"


    5. "I knew I was ready for my second while I was still on the delivery table with my first. I blame the hormones."


    6. "We had been going back and forth about having another child, but when I tried to refill my birth control, I discovered that my prescription had expired and that my doctor was out of the country. I took it as a sign."

    7. "When my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and my mom and her siblings rallied around each other, I realized I didn't ever want my child to go through something like that alone."


    8. "When my 8-year-old became 'too cool' to love me."


    9. "Our first daughter was about to turn two, and she had declared that all of her stuffed animals were her babies. She would feed them, rock them, and put them down for a nap. We just knew she was ready for a baby, so we decided to have our second. And of course her big sister adores her."

    10. "The moment my first child became easier to handle, started communicating better, was more independent, and was potty-trained. Two kids in diapers? No thank you."


    11. "Our first child was only 5 months old, and we were actively trying to prevent getting pregnant. But lo and behold, we got pregnant again. And when we found out we miscarried the baby, suddenly our desperate need for a second child was very strong."


    12. "When the doctor said, 'You're pregnant.'"

    13. "It took almost ten years after my first was born before I was ready to even think about another. It's kind of like having two only children that way, in terms of the individual focus you can give them."


    14. "When my son started sleeping through the night, and we both agreed 'that wasn't that bad.' We just forgot."


    15. "I knew right away, a few months after my first baby was born. My brother I are Irish twins, and we were so close growing up that I knew I wanted my kids to have the same thing I had."

    16. "I was certain I only wanted one child. But then my son turned four, and overnight he went from a devilish toddler to a small gentleman. And suddenly, I saw an end to the madness."


    17. "I had to take a pregnancy test before updating my immunizations for school, and the test came back positive. It was a complete surprise, but the biggest blessing. You are never 'ready' to have kids, but you'll never regret it."

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