17 Struggles You'll Only Understand If You're A Starbucks Mom

    Just embrace it already.

    1. You walk into Starbucks in the morning and the baristas are like...

    2. You've brought the kids with you so many times that the baristas know your real name.

    3. And you totally have your priorities straight, duh.

    4. You announced your pregnancy like this.

    5. Your baby has a onesie like this one.

    6. And picking your Mommy and me Halloween costumes is easy AF.

    7. You have taken full-on glamour shots of your Starbucks drink in front of picturesque backgrounds.

    8. You're not quite yourself until that first shot of espresso in the morning and everybody knows it.

    9. When the unicorn frappuccino was released, you and your kid were the first ones in line.

    10. And you know exactly what your kiddo needs to make it through a rough day.

    11. You wouldn't dream of doing a Target run without stopping at the front for a latte.

    12. And you will pair your frappuccino with just about anything.

    13. Holding a Starbucks drink is your preferred method of showing off your manicure.

    14. Or your engagement ring.

    15. You totally lost your shit when they brought Starbucks to Disneyland.

    Dreams come true at the Happiest Place on Earth, guys.

    16. And this is how you look at people who say that they like that other coffee shop better.

    17. Because deep down, you know that your love affair with Starbucks is one that will last a lifetime.