24 Eating Experiences That Are Surprisingly Disturbing

    Never trust a chocolate chip cookie.

    1. Biting into what you think is a chocolate chip cookie and finding out it's actually raisins.

    2. Pouring milk into your cereal and then finding out it's gone sour.

    3. Getting a fruit salad and it's pretty much all honeydew melon.

    4. Asking for Diet Coke and getting a Diet Pepsi.

    5. Eating something soft and feeling a mysterious crunch.

    6. Accidentally pouring the gross dried up mustard crust at the tip of the bottle on your burger.

    7. Crafting the perfect last bite, and then your dining partner reaches over and EATS IT.

    8. Taking a sip of what you thought was your Sprite and finding out it's water.

    9. Eating toast or Cap'n Crunch and destroying the roof of your mouth.

    10. Thinking it's cheese on your sandwich and finding out it's a big hunk of mayo.

    11. Asking for a dessert menu and seeing that it's all fruit.

    12. Spending time to make an exquisite sandwich and then discovering there's mold on the bread.

    13. Cutting the corners of your mouth with an unnecessarily sharp plastic spoon.

    14. Expecting that avocado in your salad to be delicious and ripe, but finding instead that it's reminiscent of an apple that tastes like cardboard.

    15. Thinking you've waited long enough for your pizza to cool down, but then still burning the roof of your mouth off.

    16. Biting into a piece of meat and discovering it's about 90% gristle.

    17. Shaking your ketchup but still pouring out a bunch of gross ketchup water on your fries.

    18. Grabbing a handful of pistachios and they're all without a crack.

    19. Biting into an apple that looks great but is actually brown and mushy on the inside.

    20. Biting into a sandwich before realizing the bread has gotten soggy.

    21. Popping a grape into your mouth and realizing it isn't seedless.

    22. Discovering your coffee/tea is mostly grinds/leaves.

    23. Digging in with a plastic fork, but then the plastic fork breaks and everyone is like, "Whoa calm down."

    24. Wrapping up your food to go, and then leaving it at the restaurant table.