26 Signs You Are Probably Going Through A Quarter-Life Crisis

    "How do I adult?"

    1. First of all, you clicked through to this article.

    2. And that’s probably because you’re keep on asking yourself, “Am I an adult yet?”

    3. And as a result, you’re still trying to figure out whether who you are and what you do is good enough.

    4. And that, in turn, is making you super emotional.

    5. Any Adele or Sam Smith song is likely to set you off crying for at least 15 minutes at any given time of the day.

    6. Actually, films and TV shows have a similar effect on you.


    7. You feel like you have to make a choice between financial stability yet a boring lifestyle, or thrilling life full of excitement but with a less steady job.

    8. So consequently, thinking about being stuck in a boring office job till you’re more or less 60 makes you die a little inside.

    9. And dreaming about big adventures is something that you do often.

    10. You keep on wondering if a gap year or a backpacking trip around the world would solve your problems for you.

    11. Plus, there’s a constant battle in your head between the willingness to succeed and the fear of embarrassing yourself.

    12. So naturally, binge-watching four seasons of your favourite TV show seems like a reasonable plan for a Sunday. Or Monday. Or, in fact, any other day you don’t absolutely HAVE TO leave the house.

    13. You look at your pet(s) with envy, wishing your life was as simple as theirs.

    14. In other words, you’ve perfected the art of avoiding responsibilities and important life decisions.

    15. On top of all that, you tend to spend way more than you earn. And we’re only talking about the bare necessities like rent or food.

    16. Therefore, budgeting gives you a tiny heart attack every time you have to do it.


    17. Buying groceries? Migraine.

    18. Paying bills? Stomach ache.

    19. Doing taxes? Mini seizure.

    20. Actually, wait...what are taxes? Why do I have to pay them? How do I pay them?

    21. Looking for a proper job has never been more stressful.

    22. You've had at least three shitty jobs in the last three years.


    23. You’ve moved houses at least three times in the last three years.

    24. You’ve had at least three partners in the last three years…

    25. ...or you’ve had zero partners in the last three years and are often wondering whether you’ll die alone, with 20 cats at your side, laughing maniacally.

    26. But the truth is: YOU’LL BE FINE.