21 Struggles You'll Understand If You Have A Lot Of Feelings

    "I just have a lot of feelings." — Mean Girls

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community what they hate most about being super sensitive. Here's what they had to say.

    1. Every emotion you have is felt on a seriously deep level — when you're happy, you're ecstatic, and when sad, you're devastated.

    2. When someone doesn't immediately respond to your text or email, you assume you've done something wrong.

    3. When people don't treat you as nicely as you treat them, you take it pretty damn personally.

    4. Every time someone's a dick to you, they always insist you're just "too sensitive," which usually isn't the problem.

    5. You always feel like you're annoying or disappointing everyone, even when deep down you know you've done nothing wrong.

    6. Any given moment could make you both laugh your ass off and cry your eyes out, and sometimes you're not even sure why.

    7. You're hyperaware of everyone's emotions around you, so 90% of your life is spent on sensory overload.

    8. Making even the tiniest mistake causes much more stress for you than it should.

    9. And if someone else makes a mistake, you still feel guilty, because you worry it's still somehow your fault.

    10. At any moment, a comment someone made years ago could appear in your head and bug you. Like, stop, brain.

    11. People always try to define your sensitivity as you being "dramatic" or "weak."

    12. You're not a confrontational person, because you're nervous you might not be able to handle others' reactions.

    13. It's rough AF to get into the dating scene, because your emotions are already on edge, and dating takes a LOT out of you.

    14. And you always feel like you're way more attached to crushes, friends, or significant others than they are to you.

    15. Sometimes, you are so affected by your emotions that it makes you want to just lay down and nap forever.

    16. When you have a rational reason to get upset, people don't take you seriously.

    17. And usually when someone asks why you're upset, you don't want to tell them. Because sometimes it just seems silly.

    18. You’re always nervous about potentially getting upset at work, because you're afraid your crying will be taken as unprofessional.

    19. Any movie or TV show you watch, whether happy or sad, makes you feel all the feelings.

    20. You always want to give your friends insight to your thoughts and feelings, but worry you'll bore them.

    21. And though you have so many feelings you don't even know what to do with, you wouldn't change a damn thing. Because it's what makes you, you.

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