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16 Bad Vagina Habits You Should Ditch ASAP

Are you taking good care of your vagina?

Your vagina and vulva are pretty self-sufficient, but there are plenty of things that can affect the health, comfort, and general ~happiness~ down there.

1. You attempt to clean inside your vagina, whether through douching or other means.

2. But you're not taking the time to clean your vulva, which does need to be washed.

3. Or you wash it with scented or dyed soap.

4. You just scratch down there instead of getting to the root of the problem.

5. You chill in your sweaty gym clothes after working out.

6. You keep self-diagnosing and self-treating yeast infections.

7. You don't know how to wipe properly, or you just use crappy toilet paper.

8. You don't take time for foreplay before sex with a partner or yourself.

9. Or you don't use the right kind of lube when you need it.

10. You try ~trendy~ vagina things, like steaming or whatever else Gwyneth Paltrow suggested this week.

11. You don't do Kegels.

12. You don't get tested enough.

13. You don’t change your razors often enough if you shave down there.

14. Or you don't exercise proper wax etiquette.

15. You don't ask your gynecologist enough questions.

16. You think your vulva should look a certain way.