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    20 Tips You Definitely Need If You're Always Busy And Stressed

    Bookmark this for a rare moment when you're not rushing around.

    We all go through times when our schedules are jam-packed and cutting down on commitments just isn't realistic — which makes managing stress really freaking difficult.

    1. Have a brain dump where you can jot down stray thoughts as they occur to you so you can revisit them later.

    2. And of course, have a to-do list or a calendar that will help you stay on top of all your responsibilities.

    3. Reframe commitments from “I have to” to “I want to” and “I get to" to think of your crowded schedule in a more positive light.

    4. Set alarms for yourself so you don't have to keep an eye on the clock.

    5. Consider waking up earlier to fit in a relaxing morning routine that will set your day off right.

    6. Remember that not everything needs a reaction right away.

    7. Then, set up some ~personal office hours~ in your schedule so you have time to deal with those things you saved for later.

    8. Physically slow down — when you act all rushed and frantic, you'll feel that way too.

    9. Rank your responsibilities from most to least pressing when you get overwhelmed so you know what to prioritize.

    10. Find a way to make sure you're keeping up on basic self-care, because everything is so much harder when you're not eating, sleeping, and hydrating properly.

    11. And schedule breaks into your day so it's not gogogo.

    12. Delegate and ask for help where you can.

    13. Say no, because there will come a point when you can't take on any more.

    14. Make the time you're in transit as relaxing as possible by listening to your favorite music, audiobooks, or podcasts.

    15. Journal or find some other way to reflect on what's actually happening in your life.

    16. Be average at some of your responsibilities.

    17. Make your bedroom a no-work zone so you can signal to your brain when it's time to relax.

    18. Give yourself specific times to catch up on social media, texts, and email instead of checking randomly.

    19. Keep an eye on your caffeine consumption if it's what keeps you going.

    20. Lastly, don't forget to take stock of your lifestyle and genuinely ask yourself if you need to make some big changes.

    Good luck, busy bees!