21 Reasons Why Only Men Should Wear Suits

    *Fans self* Y-yes. Only men.

    1. PSA: only men can pull off suits.

    2. Like seriously. Suits are only made for a ~man's body~.

    3. A suit shouldn't show off your personality.

    4. And they look terrible with jewelry and makeup.

    5. Only MEN have the confidence needed to pull off pants and a jacket.

    6. Suits can only have manly prints, like checkers and plain stripes.

    7. If you're not a man, you should just give up and wear skirts or dresses instead.

    8. Suits with long hair? L-O-L yeah right.

    9. And suits with short hair? N-O-P-E. Not unless you're a MAN.

    10. Just...if you're not a dude, DON'T. DO. IT.

    11. Suits are only for formal occasions, like lunch meetings and hopping on calls.

    12. And don't even think about wearing them with heels.

    13. Only a man in a suit can hold the attention of a room.

    14. Multicolored suits? No thank you. That's not how business casual rolls.

    15. You need ~swag~ to pull off a suit and only men have that.

    16. Suits just aren't supposed to be fun, ya know?

    17. Ties? Don't even go there. Ties are men-zone only.

    18. That goes for bowties, too. MEN. ONLY.

    19. Suits + beanie = fashion sin. A man would never think to do that.

    20. That flawless, take-over-the-world look is basically copyrighted by males in blazers.

    21. Because at the end of the day, only a man looks powerful in a suit.

    So too bad everyone else. You'll just have to find something else to wear.