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Would These 12 Red Flags Have You Canceling Your Wedding Plans?

Where's the line between "I do" and "I don't"?

Everyone's relationship is different. But do you ever hear about someone dealing with something with their partner and think to yourself, couldn't be me?

Sometimes, what seems like a glaringly obvious sign to run to one person is NBD to another.

I found some red flags that have come up in real-life relationships on the brink of marriage, and I need to know if they'd be enough to make you cancel your wedding.

"The night before the wedding, [the bride and groom] were arguing, and he says to her, 'We can get married tomorrow if you want — it doesn’t matter to me."


"The groom had lied about the ring, stating it was a genuine diamond when it was discovered to be cubic zirconia."


"One limo driver told me a guy blew the $50,000 they had brought for the wedding that was the next day."


"A friend of mine told her boyfriend (of less than six months) that she wouldn't be interested in moving in with him unless he would agree to get married. He said they could talk about it, and she immediately told all of Facebook."


"The night before [my stepbrother]'s wedding, he told his soon-to-be bride that during a break in their relationship he'd gotten another woman pregnant."

u/deleted user

"We couldn't solve the smallest disagreement without it turning into a full-blown argument. We even argued about how to argue."


"Women getting married [who] are very clearly excited about having their wedding and their dress and the event and the people, and very little of their excitement seems to be about marrying their partner."


"He told me he never married his baby-momma... So when his parents made a 'second marriage' comment, I was thrown for a loop."


"She wanted kids. Like almost immediately. I told her that we needed to wait on that... But she was completely unwilling to compromise on it. She demanded that we have kids before she was 30, so within a year or two of the wedding."


"She [said] her ex’s name while we were having sex. She gave some weird excuse as to why. She said it’s a common name (it is a very common name) and must of heard it recently?"


"One of my fiancé's friends mentioned finding it amusing how he ended up with me despite liking my best friend originally ... On top of that, I was told he originally became friends with me to get closer to my friend."


"We got engaged very early on in our relationship, but I never even chose the ring or went ring shopping. Rather, she had everything planned out and kept insisting on it until I went along with it."


Have you ever called off an engagement, or known someone who has? Tell me all about the last straw in the comments.