17 Times People Had Hilariously Different Reactions

    We're all so similar, and yet so different.

    1. These two approaches to a news story:

    2. These two philosophers:

    3. These two imaginary scenarios:

    4. These two pieces of advice:

    5. These two readings of one sentence:

    6. These two helpful people:

    7. These two Google searches that really say a lot about who typed them:

    8. These two approaches to bones:

    9. These two reactions to a cookie hot take:

    10. These two Disneyland experiences:

    11. These two life-changing experiences:

    12. These two scientists:

    13. These two human thesauruses:

    14. This romantic quote, and the perfect response to it:

    15. These two ideas that get VERY dark:

    16. These two New Years plans:

    17. And finally, these two...er, three punchlines: