Reese Witherspoon Wants More Women's Content, Not Just "Mommy Blogs"

    "I’m not talking about mommy blogs and 14 ways to cook a turkey."

    Here's Reese Witherspoon. You know her.

    This week, at the Wall Street Journal's Innovator Awards, Witherspoon spoke about the rampant sexism in Hollywood, including the wave of sexual abuse allegations coming to the surface.

    She continued:

    It’s been a real time of reckoning for us, and there is a definitely a growing realization that we need to take the time to really examine the biases that exist in our industry and make much-needed change. Because this is not an issue about actors and actresses, this is a bigger issue about power. I think we have to turn a critical eye about female leadership in Hollywood and whether that’s encouraged or even allowed, because you can’t have accountability or awareness of different perspectives if women are not at the decision-making table.

    Witherspoon — who attended the event with her daughter, Ava — also spoke about the need for more content for women.

    Outside of her speech, Witherspoon made a pointed comment about the opportunities men are given in Hollywood, particularly in directing roles.

    Get 'em, Reese.