17 Tumblr Posts About Anxiety That Are Funny But Also 100% True

    "I say 'no worries' a lot for someone who worries 101% of the time."

    1. When you get that random hit of dread:

    2. When "no worries" is kind of a lie:

    3. When literally everything is fine, but also it's not:

    4. When you feel just kinda awkward and uneasy:

    5. When your social anxiety ends up being a lot of work:

    6. When nothing's happening but it feels like something's happening:

    7. When your brain just doesn't listen:

    8. When you make the mistake of WebMD-ing something:

    9. When your anxiety picks and chooses what it wants to freak you out about:

    10. When you get to ~that~ moment in the checkout line:

    11. When you thought the issue was resolved:

    12. When you have one of those Apple Core Moments:

    13. When it feels like there's a boss fight coming:

    14. When you're metaphorically teetering a bit:

    15. When you discover your own version of bravery:

    16. When you appear nonetheless:

    17. And finally, when you find your coping mechanism: