19 Funny Chinese Dating Show Quotes That'll Make You Say, "Me"

    These contestants from China's If You Are the One will remind you that we're all the same.

    1. When it's payday:

    2. When you've lowered your standards:

    3. ...like, a lot:

    4. When you try to figure out what you have going for you:

    5. When you've seen pretty much every meme:

    6. When you put on a happy face during all of 2016:

    7. When you know what look works for you:

    8. When you find someone special but there are still important factors to consider:

    9. When you walk your dog to try to pick up girls, but:

    10. When you realize your childhood dreams have sunk a bit:

    11. When you just can't figure out what you're doing wrong:

    12. When someone makes fun of your height:

    13. When you get sent an unwanted dick pic:

    14. When you know what's really important to you:

    15. When you have very specific criteria in a date:

    16. When you try to let them down gently:

    17. When you get catcalled and then they ask why you aren't responding:

    18. When you list your talents:

    19. And finally, when it doesn't quite work out:

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