Let's All Take A Moment And Laugh At These Funny "Parks & Rec" Photos

    "Leslie, I typed your symptoms into the thing and it says you have network connectivity problems."

    1. When Andy forgot about humans.

    2. When Ron got upset.

    3. When Andy did the math.

    4. When Ron had a permit.

    5. When Ben finally treated himself.

    6. When Andy was crowned king.

    7. When April got an idea.

    8. When Andy tried to help.

    9. When Chris was doing just fine.

    10. When Andy had a lot of secrets to get off his chest.

    11. When Pawnee's public radio host helped out his audience.

    12. When Ron defined pets.

    13. When Ron revealed his favorite book.

    14. When Ben saw the biggest attraction Paris has to offer.

    15. When Chris caddied for everybody.

    16. When Leslie revealed a celebrity crush.

    17. When Ben couldn't let it go.

    18. When Tom wasn't good at fixing stuff.

    19. When Mona Lisa got out of it.

    20. When Ron sent a letter.

    21. When Ron mixed his fantasy films.

    22. And finally, when the funniest scene in the history of television happened.