Raise Your Hand If You Think Apple Cider Is Better Than Pumpkin Spice

    Apple > Pumpkin. Sorry.

    It's officially fall, and for most of us that means one thing: pumpkin spice lattes.

    But I'm here to tell you something important: APPLE CIDER IS BETTER THAN PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES.

    Now, I know what you're thinking:

    But let's look at the facts: Apple cider doesn't need whipped cream or pumps of a sugary syrup that — let's face it — probably doesn't really have anything remotely resembling pumpkin in it.

    Oh, and it goes great with booze, too. Rum? Yes. Vodka? Sure! Whiskey? Why not?

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    Don't even get me STARTED about how good this stuff is freshly pressed.

    But the GREATEST thing about apple cider is how it's so GOT-damn good with a fresh cinnamon-sugar doughnut.

    Could a pumpkin spice latte pull this off? No! The PSL is sweet enough on its own. Add a doughnut to the equation and it's too much! TOO MUCH I SAY.

    Now, I'm not trying to disparage the entirety of pumpkindom. Pumpkin pie is still a top-five pie!

    I'm just saying that nothing quite beats one of these on a crisp fall day. Or a cold winter day.

    Fall is just starting, people. We can make it happen. We can make 2018 the Year of the Apple Cider.