You're Gonna Need Some "Harry Potter" Knowledge To Get These Jokes

    Share if Obama is your Patronus.

    1. This realization about Patronuses.

    2. This very likely scene:

    3. These very upsetting things:

    4. This truth about Charlie Weasley:

    5. This very sad fact:

    6. This alarming fact about Moaning Myrtle:

    7. This lil' BB Slytherin IRL:

    8. This crossover:

    9. This matter of Irish pride:

    10. This thing that you would totally do:

    11. This realization about Our Queen's name choices:

    12. This comparison:

    13. This cute thought about Crookshanks:

    14. This thing that I WISH THEY DID:

    15. This very excellent fanfic idea:

    16. This spiral into fandom insanity:

    17. This chosen tomato:

    18. This author's note:

    19. This challenge:

    20. This fact check:

    21. This truth that anyone with a sibling will understand:

    22. And finally, the struggles of this very obvious Slytherin: