19 Hotels And Homes That Are Living In The Frickin' Future

    BRB, installing all these cool gadgets in my home.

    1. This Disney hotel, which has the most magical headboards I've ever seen:

    2. This bathroom's shower head, which displays the temperature of the water:

    3. This hotel, which has a robot that delivers items like bottled water:

    4. This hotel, which put its evacuation plan near the floor, so you can still read it if the hallways is filled with smoke:

    5. This home's dishwasher, which projects a timer on the floor showing how much time is remaining in the cycle:

    6. This hotel's bathroom, which has a fridge for shower beers:

    7. This home, which has a retractable cover for its outdoor patio so you can enjoy it in warm or cold weather:

    8. This hotel's bathroom mirror, which has a full-on touchscreen in it:

    9. This hotel bathroom's handle, which has a built-in hand sanitizer dispenser:

    10. This home's toaster oven, which has a button for "a bit more" toasting:

    11. This home's kitchen backsplash, which is basically a big digital display:

    12. This home's spiral staircase, which has a slide for an easy trip back down:

    13. This treehouse hotel that has a mirrored exterior to blend into the surrounding nature:

    14. This tiny home's combination sink/stove/fridge that saves a ton of space:

    15. This hotel bathroom's mirror, which has a heated spot so it doesn't fog up:

    16. This motel's shower, which provides a timer so you can shame yourself into conserving water:

    17. This home's heated driveway, which will never have to be shoveled or salted when it snows:

    18. This hotel's alarm clock, which displays the time on the front AND the sides so you can easily see the time from anywhere in the room:

    19. And finally, this home's microwave, which has a button to turn the sound off so you never have to worry about loud beeping while making 2:00 a.m. Pizza Rolls ever again: