18 Tumblr Posts That Are So Relatable It Actually Hurts

    You literally cannot drive by a field of horses without saying "horses."

    1. This condemnation of itchy-ass spare blankets:

    2. This well-known secret about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. You've never typed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I even copied it just now:

    3. This absolutely accurate description of Danny DeVito and Jeff Goldblum:

    4. This list of places where things just feel a bit ~off~:

    5. This thing that happens to you every time you're supposed to ask for presents:

    6. This thing that happens literally every time you see horses:

    7. This fact about how many damn songs you skip when you shuffle:

    8. This analysis of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

    9. This truth about how late-night cashiers have mastered indifference:

    10. These very accurate transcriptions of different types of commercials:

    11. This portrayal of your asshole brain:

    12. This truth:

    13. This feeling that you definitely get, don't lie:

    14. This little window into cat ownership:

    15. This summary of the non-premium Spotify experience:

    16. This very specific feeling that's somehow also completely relatable:

    17. This statement that's completely true but you don't know why:

    18. And finally, this little ditty: