18 Posts That Are Both Funny And A Liiiiittle NSFW

    You know it's a good post when someone tells you to delete it and go to church immediately.

    1. I just want to say I'm sorry for subjecting everyone to this mental image:

    2. Moms are precious and must be protected:

    3. Major Great Gatsby energy here:

    4. By "worst" they mean "best":

    5. If you have someone begging to just delete the whole site, you've won:

    6. Be careful what you wish for:

    7. Oops:


    9. Please, they have jobs to do:

    10. What? It has a nice, consistent beat:

    11. Get your mind out of the gutter:

    12. Hopefully this is the first and last time "Waluigi hentai" is typed on the internet:

    it’s catholic canon that in the garden of gethsemane jesus christ saw every sin committed by human beings which means that he watched a guy blasting rope to waluigi hentai and still decided to sacrifice himself for humanity. absolute legend

    13. Big if true:

    14. OK, seriously delete this one:

    15. We recognize a good pun when we see it:

    16. It all falls into place when you read the username:

    17. Try this with your partner!

    18. And finally, settle in for this story: