18 Moments That Ended Up Being Funny Completely By Accident

    These didn't ~mean~ to be funny, but they are anyway.

    1. Mmmm, finger.

    2. The plan is here somewhere, I swear I just saw it...

    3. Michael has a question for you.

    4. TBH that sounds about right.

    5. Well, SOMEone won the genetic lottery.

    6. Apparently it won't be an issue anytime soon.

    7. Asked and answered.

    8. Pick a Gary:

    9. Things get tough for Clifford in middle-age.

    10. What a weird thing to shout.

    11. The mug is in distress.

    12. We can always count on Serena to defend us.

    13. Yes they are.

    14. Praise be to the almighty...Shrek?

    15. I don't care what the original punchline was, this is funnier.

    16. Well, tell him to stop it!

    17. Careful!

    18. Crisis averted.

    H/T to r/AccidentalComedy