18 Pictures That Will Make Students Laugh, Then Cry

    "The last four answers have been A...better mark C on this one."

    1. You probably know this feeling:

    2. And this one:

    3. (How I start every single exam):

    4. When you start reading an essay question and you're like:

    5. Then there's this, which you can practically hear in your head right now:

    6. *glares*

    7. I'll take all of them thank you:

    8. You know that person?

    9. When the words "extra credit" make your ears prick up:

    10. I'm just as lost as you are:

    11. Where's that quartet from Titanic when you need them?

    12. It was worth a shot:

    13. There's wrong, and then there's wrong.

    14. Thank god for multiple choice, though:

    15. When you're done, you're like:

    16. That gets better with age, though:

    17. Really, it's just a matter of staying focused:

    18. And you can always make it up at the end of the semester: