17 Signs You're Actually Deadpool

    On a scale of one to chimichangas, how much are you like the Merc with the Mouth?

    1. You know all the words to "Shoop" by Salt-N-Pepa.

    2. Your humor never really graduated from 6th grade.

    3. You're such a badass that even your enemies have to admit that you're awesome.

    4. You know just how to burn your friends.

    5. But you can take it as well as you dish it out.

    6. You're an aggressive Star Wars fan.

    7. You're usually thinking about food.

    8. You have lofty life goals.

    9. You read the occasional fanfic.

    10. You're diligent about debt.

    11. You can joke about pretty much anything.

    12. You're hip to all the pop culture references.

    13. You have a healthy level of self-confidence.

    14. You tend to be a tad forgetful.

    15. You're in tune with your own body.

    16. You're the result of a horrific experiment that endowed you with incredible powers but disfigured you for life and drove you to the brink of insanity.

    17. And you really like chimichangas.