16 People Who Are Definitely Not Getting Into Heaven

    Lord, save these people.

    1. The person who desecrated this Tumblr post.

    2. The person who did this.

    3. The person who was a little too interested in Pennywise from It.

    4. Oh, and this person. Same reason.

    5. Whoever made this blog.

    6. The person who shared too much about Tony the Tiger.

    7. The person who sexualized Bowser.

    8. The person who studied Italian.

    9. The person who gave Kirby feet.

    Et si en fait c'était ses pantoufles, à #Kirby...

    10. The person who made this Pokémon post.

    11. The person who revealed the origin of Captain Crunch.

    12. The person who actually made this post. On the internet. For all to see.

    13. The person who made these monstrosities.

    14. The person who asked a question about Beast Boy from Teen Titans.

    15. The inventor of this device.

    16. And finally, the person who photoshopped this.