31 Things Indians Below The Age Of 15 Will Not Believe We Did Back In The Day

    Ah, the good ole days.

    1. Flip a phone to look at your screen.

    2. Press 4,4, pause, 3,3, pause, 9,9,9 just to say "hey".

    3. Remember your friend's landline numbers and not have a directory right in your pocket.

    4. Look up phone numbers by sifting through a massive book.

    5. Put in actual effort to get in touch with your favourite celebrity.

    6. Play a game that literally had water pressure as the main character.

    7. Look at a newspaper to find out when your favourite shows and movies were airing.

    8. Insert a CD for information that you can now immediately Google.

    9. Find enough space all over the house to store all your music.

    10. Keep your music intact using the simplest of items.

    11. Find dirt on everyone by scanning through this ultra-revealing book.

    12. Learn all the lyrics of songs by reading them on the little booklet that came with CDs.

    13. Learn to draw the map of India during geography class.

    14. Profess how amazing your best friends were via Orkut testimonials.

    15. Use a mouse with a wire, and be restricted to a desk.

    16. Sit through this melodious jam just to connect to the internet.

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    No need to play it, it's already playing in your head.

    17. Be able to either call someone or use the internet, but not both.

    18. Wait to get home and catch up with your ~real~ social life.

    19. Then play the offline-then-online game, just so your crush would acknowledge your existence.

    20. And then *nudge* them if that didn't work.

    21. Wait a long-ass time to watch a shitty print of a film.

    22. Decide wayyyy in advance what music you'd wanna listen to, because you could only carry 13 to 17 songs with you.

    23. Make some tough calls on which 100 songs would forever be burned onto a disk.

    24. Really remember where all applications were on your computer.

    25. Not have a camera on you at all times.

    26. Use this hack every time you sat down to play a simple video game.

    27. Pass the time in class by playing this game of chance.

    28. Skip like a thousands songs to find one you actually want to listen to.

    29. Communicate with your friends and have entire conversations via Facebook wall posts.

    30. Constantly be forced to delete text messages.

    31. And of course, having to make small talk with your friend's parents before actually getting to talk to your friend.