John Cena Confused Everyone By Instagramming Virat Kohli, But Turns Out He Had A Solid Reason

    Bleed blue, indeed.

    A couple of days ago, WWE champion John Cena Instagrammed this photo of Virat Kohli and it seemed pretty random.

    And everyone was wondering what was happening.

    It's pretty simple, tbh. Cena was recently transferred into WWE's Smackdown team, and the colour of the team is... Yup, you guessed it: Blue.

    Basically, Cena has been Instagramming anything with the colour blue in it.

    With absolutely no context.

    He probably just Googled "bleed blue" and then just started 'gramming.

    But then decided to just settle with anything with blue in it.

    I'm not even sure he looked at the pictures before uploading it.

    So that's that, I guess.