The 19 Stages Of A Night Out In Cardiff

    The only place you can truly have a bendigedig time.

    1. A night out in the 'Diff may start posh – Say a pricey craft beer at Urban Tap House or stylish Ten Mill Lane cocktails…

    2. …but before long, the night descends to Spoonies for a pre-club top-up.

    3. The post-pitchers debate will happe.

    4. Wherever you choose to party, you contemplate getting a taxi there – even if it’s only three minutes away.

    5. You queue for ages in the freezing cold wind and rain, hating the bouncers with their brollies.

    6. Inside, it doesn’t take long for one of your gang to run out of cash, so you buddy up and head to the nearest cashpoint.

    7. On route to the cash point, you run Valleys tallies.

    8. Obviously, you have to stop to have a sing and sway with the busker on the corner of Castle Street.

    9. You attempt to put on a polite voice when saying "no, ta" to the club promo guys on the streets.

    10. There will be a novelty photo sesh on your phone, which you’ll only discover the following day.

    11. Finding your mates back inside the club is borderline impossible.

    12. Shortly after being reunited, one of the group needs a wee.

    13. Lest we forget: The loo is a wonderful place, for it’s where your soulmates live.

    14. You get a pang of panic around 01:45am when you realise you have 15 minutes to get to Live Lounge before the queue closes.

    15. You love Live Lounge. Jugs of wine. Mr Brightside three times in 30 mins. Dancing up and down the stairs just because. Swinging your drunk pal around. D'aww!

    16. It’s 4am, the lights are on, and you’re hungry.

    17. Food is a three-way fight: Chippy Lane (Tony's/Dorothy’s) vs Salisbury Road (Mama’s AKA home of Charlie Sheen) vs Maccy Ds.

    18. With a tray of chips in tow, you know every surface is a potential seat.

    19. You spend your emergency taxi money on grub and have to walk home barefoot, but you don't care because a Cardiff sunrise is prettier than Halfpenny.