People Are Not Happy James Charles Imitated Latinx TikTok Star Adam Ray

    "The extent that some people on this app are willing to go in attempt to ruin my life is truly sad."

    If you've been on the internet in the last few months, you know TikTok star Adam Ray Okay and his alter-ego, Rosa.

    One of the most viral videos of Adam's is when Rosa finds out their friend is gay.

    View this video on YouTube

    Well, James Charles imitated the video, as seen below. Have a look.

    You started off so well, then slowly flopped the accent 😂 Regardless can’t be mad, love some Rosa content @jamescharles @ADAMRAYOKAY

    A lot of people were not happy with it because of his impersonation of Rosa's accent:

    the most unfunny video on earth like I’m frowning like this is such a buzz kill.. like....

    @jamescharles I hope you know making fun of a latinx accent like this is racist and that when the OG Rosa does it it’s not cause he is Latinx. Tired of his white ass profiting and making fun of POC.

    James Charles reenacting Rosa’s videos but making her sound white... this is gentrification... can we ever have something to ourselves

    @whoisj0ee @gisellf27 @ubernicki @jamescharles Rosa is a character, ADAM really talks like that. His accent isn’t the joke. James is mocking Adam. The jokes are the same jokes without the accent.

    When you are white and you attempt to do a Latino accent but you just end up sounding even more white 💀💀💀 Sorry but I did not need to see James Charles ruining my accent on this Tuesday morning. Rosa doesn’t deserve this.

    James responded to the backlash, saying "I get that a lot of people don't like me. I've learned to accept and understand it, but the extent that some people on this app are willing to go in attempt to ruin my life is truly sad..."

    I get that a lot of people don’t like me. I’ve learned to accept & understand it - but the extent that some people on this app are willing to go in attempt to ruin my life is truly sad. I hope one day people find a way to feel validation without having to bash others for likes.

    Adam, aka Rosa, has not responded to the situation, but we will update you if he does.