12 Routines To Stick By If You Want To Evolve This 2018

    Refine your life before regret defines you.

    January is almost at the verge of ending. Many of us have already started neglecting our resolutions because of the never ending humdrum in life. However, things aren't as dreary as we may like to believe. Here are some of the habits you can still follow if you're adamant of being the best version of yourself:

    1. Quit hustling before you're even fully awake.

    2. Try reducing the time you spend checking yourself out in the mirror.

    3. Read every day for 30 minutes.

    4. Add healthy food in your diet rather than fussing about eliminating junk.

    5. Try spending your weekends outdoors.

    6. Unplug from social media intermittently to maintain your sanity.

    7. Stop beating yourself up about your mistakes.

    8. Kick away your clutter habit.

    9. Stay faithful to your "two-minute rule."

    10. Buy fresh flowers for yourself every weekend or month.

    11. Start scribbling in the pretty journal you bought, but haven't touched in ages.

    12. And lastly, always remind yourself that life isn't a mere list of goals you need to check off.