We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    34 Products With Results That’ll Make You Wince…And Then Add To Cart Immediately

    So gross you'll have no choice but to try it out yourself.

    1. Mighty Patch hydrocolloid stickers that'll rid pimples quick, easy, and in a hurry. Bonus points! They also prevent picking and acne scarring. Simply apply the patch right on top of your pimple in the evening and the rest is history.

    reviewer holding the slim
    Reviewer's before and after showing puss drawn out from the pimple spot where a patch was placed

    I've tried various (countless 😅) pimple patches in the past and Mighty Patch definitely takes the cake. I stick it on and honestly forget that it's even there. The adhesive is strong, so it stays on during my tossing and turning at night, but I often wear it during the day, too! I work from home, and it's not noticeable during my video calls, which I truly, truly appreciate. For more deets, check out my full Mighty Patch review!

    Hero Cosmetics is an Asian woman-founded brand and home of The Mighty Patch. Ju Rhyu launched the brand in 2017, which has evolved with products such as cleansers, toners, nose strip Mighty Patches, and more!

    Promising review: "Using this product has been a game changer. It’s as if the adhesion of it literally pulls all of the bad stuff from the spot and you’ll know when it’s time to remove when it turns up white on your sticker — so easy to remove and my spot has went drastically down. I’m on my fourth box, or maybe fifth? They’re my go-to at the slightest spot I get to try to nip it in the bud. Might I add that my hormonal cystic acne spots have been majorly suppressed by these as soon as I feel one coming on, I take a hot washcloth to the area and put a sticker on overnight for a couple of nights and the deep underneath feeling of that spot is gone. I love these so much, and you will too." —Deborah Hart

    Get a pack of 36 stickers from Amazon for $11.97.

    2. A suede and leather brush to get rid of those annoying scuffs and salt lines on your shoes, bags, and coats. No, you don't need to throw out and replace your favorite things with this thing at home!

    Promising reviews: "This brush is amazing. My daughter went puddle jumping in her boots [Uggs pictured above]. They dried out while I was trying to figure out how to clean them. Saw the reviews on this and ordered right away. Holy cow they look almost new. I cleaned all my boots too because I was so excited. Even ones I thought looked clean were much improved. I washed the brush with dish soap and water and let dry between pairs." —TRW

    "This brush saved my shoes! I posted before and after photos so you can see the difference. My shoes were light pink with big noticeable stains on the sides. I just brushed it on the same direction until the stains wore off." —Lissette Castillo

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    3. A bottle of mold and mildew remover spray that kills the toxic mold anywhere from your bathroom tile to your outdoor patio (and all the sneaky places in between). The best part is that there's no hard work on your end. Just spray, wait 15 seconds, and watch the mold disappear! Talk about terrifyingly good results.

    Reviewer photo of dirty shower with mold and mildew stains
    Reviewer photo of clean shower after using the mold and mildew spray

    Promising review: "I bought this RMR-86 spray with low expectations, even with the good reviews. I sprayed a small patch in the evening and let it sit overnight. The next morning, the grout where I had sprayed was as white as if it were brand new. I decided to spray the entire wall and part of the roof. The next day, everything I sprayed had no visible mold. By the third night, I was pretty much spraying everything left in the shower. This stuff is amazing." —John Werner

    Get a 32-ounce bottle on Amazon for $16.99 (available in multiple quantities).

    4. rubber broom because it'll easily sweep up that hair monster that's been living in your rugs. This handy tool grabs all the pet AND human hair that's been embedded in your carpet for a scary amount of time (even the hair you didn't even realize was there!). And while it can work on any type of floor, it's specifically designed to pull up hair in the most difficult place — the carpet. 

    reviewer's carpet with a hairball and a dog next to the broom
    BuzzFeed editor looking deeply disgusted with herself and holding the giant hairball from the floor
    www.amazon.com, Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    BuzzFeed Writer Emma Lord (pictured above) swears by this thing!: 

    "An embarrassing confession: my hair gets so ingrained in the carpet that a vacuum truly does nothing for it. In fact, to make matters worse, weird particles get stuck in the hair on the floor, which is stuck to the carpet, so I often was just unrooting clumps of hair from the floor with my hands (sorry for the visual). I bought this broom and it immediately started pulling it up GOBS of hair. My carpet like, genuinely changed color (turns out the pink was supposed to be much pinker, whoops). Anyway, do with that semi-horrifying information what you will."

    Promising review: "I bought this broom two years ago and it is still going strong! I have four large dogs and we have fur EVERYWHERE! This works so, so well! I am always amazed at what this picks up even after I just ran the vacuum. If you remove the head from the handle you can use the head to do in all the crevices along baseboards where fur gets trapped on the carpets. I also use it that way to do the carpet corners on the stairs. Lastly, I use it to get dust and cobwebs off the floors and ceilings. It truly is a super tool." —Roseann

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    5. A Bissell Little Green Multi-Purpose Cleaner, a bestseller that provides results so terrifyingly good, you'll be left with a jaw drop like Kevin McCallister himself. This bestselling portable carpet and upholstery cleaning machine is *super* convenient and very easy to use! It works for dirt, pet stains, and baby stains, and because it's compact, you can use it to clean your car, too. 

    a reviewer's little green with dirt inside
    a reviewer's armchair half cleaned

    Promising reviews: "This has saved me so many times. I use it mostly for my carpet and the couch. I have a cat and dog with an almost white couch, so this has been SUPER helpful. It has yet to fail me." —Amazon Customer

    "This little guy has been working pretty well for me so far. Raising my puppy from 8 weeks, I've had my share of things to try and get out of the carpet, from pee stains to puke to things he would knock over, to the mud he would track in. This would get most of it out if I used it right away. I am happy with the way it takes out most stains." —Cece

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59+.

    BTW, this tool comes with small bottles of ready-to-use cleaning formula, but if you need more, grab a bigger bottle for $11.99!

    6. A stainless-steel tongue scraper that'll literally scrape the bad breath away...or at least help get rid of it. This will leave your tongue looking and feeling fresh so no wincing comes your way.

    Promising review: "This product works!! High-quality material, well made, easy to clean, corrosion resistant, at least in my experience. I can tell this will last a long time. And, it works!!!! Got rid of a coating on my tongue that other tongue scrapers and the tongue cleaners on toothbrushes did nothing for!! Noticed it got a lot off the first use!!! My tongue looks healthy, and my throat feels better. Once a thicker layer starts on the tongue due to postnasal drip there's nothing else that got rid of it. It's easy to hold and doesn't gag me at all. It comes with a travel case, which I love because I don't want anything that goes in my mouth loose in a bag." —Saffire Dragon

    Get it from Amazon for $6.49.

    7. A pack of dishwasher-cleaning tablets to deep clean the thing that washes your bowls, utensils, and cookware (among other things) for you. Trust me, it needs it every once in a while!

    A dirty dishwasher with brown stains on the bottom
    The same dishwasher, which is now stain-free after using the tablets

    Promising review: "I rarely post reviews, but this stuff has completely changed our lives. Our dishwasher, utensils, plates, and glasses were covered with dry scale and nothing we tried came close to helping. After using the tablets three times our dishwasher looks like new; our glasses are sparkling like fine china and everything else looks fabulous. Highly recommend, worth every penny, best product BY FAR!!! One great advantage is you can use it with your dishes. Some other products are used to clean the dishwasher but not to clean dishes and glasses. Buy this, you will be blown away!!! It is astounding!" —Jenny

    Get a pack of six tablets from Amazon for $8.95.

    8. A hairbrush cleaning tool perfectly designed to get every piece of dander, hair, and terrifying buildup out of those bristles. Do you see that difference!? *Immediately adds to cart*

    A reviewer's hairbrush full of dirt and hair
    The same hairbrush clean so you can actually see the base

    The pointed end of the tool is ideal for picking out tangles, the stiff bristles work great at removing dust and dirt, and the bristles at the bottom end of the tool can give your hairbrush a deep clean.

    Promising review: "When I bought this I was really skeptical. I am grossed out by my hairbrush and clean it all the time. I've soaked it in vinegar and tea tree oil, used a toothbrush, scrubbed it with shampoo, picked it clean by hand — everything you can think of. Still, it's so hard to get the little lint that forms at the base of the brush — they don't dissolve off and you have to pick them off the bristles one by one because a toothbrush won't even break them up. This thing works amazingly. I don't know why, it just does — the particular texture of the bristles on this really grabs everything. It scraped the little lint rings right off and now my brush is cleaner, 10 times as fast." —HeartsofHavoc

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    9. A nose hair wax kit to remove the nostril hairs that seem to have a mind of their own. It comes with everything you need to keep those rogue hairs away for up to four weeks! Gross to look at? Maybe. But is it worth it? Oh, absolutely. 

    Reviewer with the sticks inside their nostrils
    Another reviewer's used wax sticks full of nostril hair

    You'll get 100 grams of nose wax beads, 30 wax applicators, 10 mustache protectors, a measuring cup, and 15 paper cups at your disposal.

    Promising review: "I highly recommend this product. The instructions were super easy to follow, and it worked perfectly! I was a little nervous to pull the sticks out once the two minutes were up; however, it didn't even hurt. I expected it to hurt momentarily and my eyes to water, but neither was true! If you wanna get rid of them pesky nose hairs...snag this product!!!" —Julie J.

    Get it from Amazon for $13.27.

    10. FryAway's cooking oil solidifier that'll quickly, easily, (and grossly?) dispose of the leftover cooking grease in your pots and pans. Say goodbye to touching that nasty stuff every time you finish in the kitchen.

    reviewer photo of the FryAway package
    gif of reviewer using a spoon to remove the oil from a pan

    Simply sprinkle the powder in the oil while it's hot, let it cool, and then scoop it into the trash!

    FryAway is a woman-owned and Latine-owned small business started by Laura Lady, who loves both cooking and being kind to the planet. They donate 1% of revenue to nonprofits focused on water conservation.

    Promising review:" I used to HATE cooking with oil because I never knew what to do with it when I was finished. Not anymore! This stuff works amazingly well, is easy to use, and allows me to trash oil without a big mess! It just takes a little scoop and a short amount of time for it to set into a gel, and then it all scoops out of the pan so easily! I’m just sad I didn’t find this product sooner!" —TheBjamin

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three styles).

    11. A toilet bowl ring remover because *no one* wants to see that terrifying view every time they use the bathroom. This is a quick, easy, and cheap (!!) way to get the dirty chore done.

    Promising review: "I never thought I'd be this excited about a clean toilet. I had largely given up on our first floor toilet. Nothing would take out the ring along the waterline. But I saw this product in a BuzzFeed roundup and figured it was worth a shot. Tried it this morning and oh. my. goodness. It easily took out the ring and with some harder scrubbing, the rest of the stains/buildup/whatever the term is for the stuff that made the bowl look gross. It looks just about brand new! Definitely worth the purchase." —Courtney

    Get it from Amazon for $11.52.

    12. AND a bacteria- and virus-killing Clorox Toilet Wand Starter Kit complete with refill heads so your clean toilet can ~easily~ continue on. Simply pop on of the sponge heads to the end of the stick, give your bowl a nice scrub, and release the used sponge into the trash. Your porcelain throne is now fresh and clean. ✨

    A customer review before and after photo of their stained toilet and then the clean toilet after use
    reviewer photo of the white toilet wand and holder next to a pack of disposable sponges

    The kit comes with a wand, six refill heads filled with Clorox, and a storage caddy. The wand has a convenient button you can use to dispose of the used sponge heads in the trash, and the heads are uniquely shaped to fit under the rim of your toilet. 

    Promising review: "So, we have a toilet that belongs to the cats. We don't use it, we don't look at it, we like to pretend it does not exist. Even with semi-regular flushing, cat waste is pretty nasty stuff that builds up quickly in the bowl. One of these wands cleaned it up in a single session (pictured above)!" —Whitney

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98 (also available in two bundle sets). 

    13. A makeup brush cleansing shampoo to clean the sponges that touch your face every day! I shutter at the thought of these going unclean for months, but this shampoo will cleanse your brushes and blending sponges so easily, the long timespans of dirty makeup tools will be long gone. It can extend the life of your applicators *and* save you from irritated skin. 

    Promising review: "Best, most affordable brush and sponge shampoo on the market! No joke, I have tried everything; even homemade hacks like dish detergent mixed with olive oil. Nothing works like this brush shampoo. Don't waste your money on the Beauty Blender soap and other big-name brands." —Lily

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save $1; also available as a pack of two and with dissolving cleansing cloths).

    14. An effective denture cleaner because brushing your retainers and night guards daily doesn't do as much as you think it does...and it definitely doesn't rid you of the haunting white discoloration, the mild odor, or the building plaque. But surprise! These cleaning tablets will tackle it ALL in a heartbeat. 

    Reviewer's Invisalign, which look slightly yellow
    The same Invisalign looking significantly cleaner

    P.S. These fizzing tablets work for Invisalign, retainers, dentures, night guards, and more.

    Promising review: "I really loved this product. I am currently waiting for a new Invisalign set. My old Invisalign needed to be cleaned. I read the reviews and decided to purchase. OMG it worked! There was a fresh taste and they were clean. I wished I had found this product sooner. I did let them soak overnight only because I had been wearing them for the last four months. Nothing happened to Invisalign; there was no weakness or anything. Just very clean and fresh. If I could have given the product 10 stars I would have." —Lisa R.

    Get 120 tablets from Amazon for $19.81.

    15. A tub of the bestselling Pink Stuff to make those hard-to-get stains, dirt, and rust spots around the house seem like a walk in the park. It works for everything from bathtubs and stove tops to tennis shoes and crayon-covered walls. Terrifying stains be gone!

    a reviewer's half clean oven after using the pink stuff
    a reviewer's an open tub of the pink stuff

    Promising review: "I had tried everything to get the hardware stains off my shower. CLR, metal scrubbing pads, vinegar, and many other things. I thought I'd end up having to replace all the faucets. I saw this in a BuzzFeed article and thought, no way it's THAT good... It's that good. It's better than good. It's wild how good it is. My shower looks better than new. It took rust stains off tile. It took years of hard water scale buildup off in seconds. It is literally a miracle product." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    16. A rust-removing spray, aka a cleaning magician that'll turn your showers, sinks, and any other rust-filled surfaces into the clean slate they once were. Just spray it on the rusted area, leave the room while it works its scary good magic, and return to diminished stains you can easily wipe away.

    reviewer's shower surround with rust stains
    the same shower that's clean and new looking

    Promising review: "Used it on our tubs, toilets, sinks and shower. Compared it to the It Works Bathroom you can get at The Dollar Tree. It took one bottle of this stuff to achieve the same result as three bottles of the It Works. I will buy this again, hands down. I tried the powder, which was good for scrubbing and soaking the tub, but the spray was fantastic for the shower and sink. Just sprayed, walk away for a few minutes and wipe/rinse." —Carrie D.

    Get it from Amazon for $10.97.

    17. foot file because it removes dead skin, calluses, and buildup for baby-smooth skin. The feeling is also oddly satisfying! Sign. Me. Up.

    Promising review: "Omg GAME CHANGER. I am astonished. I have actual control over my calluses. My feet are embarrassing unless I literally go every two weeks for pedicures. I slack off? It’s terrible. It was an ongoing joke between me and my ex husband. After using this ONE TIME I could cry with excitement. In a few strokes, it shaved off all the hard, thick, ridiculous callused mess that is my feet. I had to actually be careful to not be so aggressive like I am used to. I had literally resorted to taking a box cutter to shave off calluses. Hoping I didn’t slip. If you know what I’m talking about? Get it. Skip the files (electrics too) and the exfoliating BS. Skip the single blade shaver. Go. Get this." —A. Donato

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    18. AND a foot exfoliation mask that makes it look like your foot is shedding new, nice and soft skin...which it technically will be! Another "gross but worth it" kind of item if ya ask me. 

    reviewer showing dead skin peeling off their toes
    same reviewer showing dead skin peeling off their heel

    To get your foot nice and smooth, slip on the foot mask and leave them on for at least an hour (some reviewers recommend just throwing socks over the mask to keep things secure). After you remove and wash your feet, you'll see your dead skin and calluses begin to peel a few days later — if you've got a lot, It'll look something like the pics above. The gross (but oddly fun?) part is watching the process as you slowly make your way to super-smooth feet!

    Promising review: "Purchased it based on a BuzzFeed recommendation and worked as described. After the first week it was quite weird to see the peeling, which lasted about 7–10 days, with some minimal peeling afterward. Not the prettiest sight to say the least...I go for mani-pedi regularly and this product removed all the hard skin, thought to be there forever. It will look weird but well worth it!!!" —Brownie

    Get it from Amazon for $15.95 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 10%; available in three scents).

    19. A bottle of Folex spot remover to make even the most horrifying stains disappear from furniture, carpets, and other fabric surfaces. It's powerful enough to remove red wine, too... and honestly, the terrifying part about that is you spilled a good glass of wine. 🤷🏾‍♀️

    Promising review: "I've been using this spot/stain remover for about 10 years now. It really is magic. I've removed numerous stains and spots with it over the years and have only come across two stains that it would not remove. Unfortunately, I don't know what the stains were caused by, so can't pass that along. I've used it on both carpet and upholstery, and it has never changed the color of either. I would definitely test it on an inconspicuous area first, though, as the directions state. And it's so easy to use: Spray some on the stain, agitate it with your fingertips, then blot dry with a cloth or paper towel. You may have to let it sit on tougher stains for a few minutes before agitating and blotting, but I only had to do that once or twice. Definitely recommend." —Alex

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65.

    20. Zombie Pack face masks that'll minimize pores and hydrate your skin at fancy spa-level, but in way less time and at a much cheaper price. Reviewers are clearly obsessed as they have over 5,400 5-star reviews.

    Promising reviews: "I’m obsessed with this mask and wish I could get a deal buying it in bulk! I have never used a product that lifts and tightened like this mask and I’ve been using various masks for years....I have oily skin but it has cleared up significantly since using the zombie mask for a month... and the results were amazing!! I’m 36 but my eyes looked like a well rested 20-something's! Love it!" —Allison Carmody

    "I adore this mask. I figured I was doomed to a life of permanent blackheads and enlarged pores (runs in the family). Nothing I've tried from your usual stores (Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Target, even Proactiv) helped with either the blackheads or pores... So, I was skeptical about the Zombie Pack, but it looked cool and it was cheap, so why not? Best facial hygiene decision I've ever made... I'm three weeks in and the pores on my nose that I had damn near decided to name (they weren't going anywhere, might as well make them friends) are nearly gone. I have a mask on as I'm typing this review. The brush is incredibly soft, the packaging easy to open, the application is SO easy. Most importantly, it delivers results." —Zetsubel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.45.

    21. Briogeo exfoliating shampoo because it gently and effectively prevents flakes and buildup. It has the perfect blend of main ingredients like charcoal (to detoxify the scalp) and coconut oil (to moisturize and prevent dryness). It's even got a cooling mixture of tea tree and peppermint oil that not only smells ~amazing~, but also soothes itchiness and balances scalp pH! TL;DR: Dry scalps need this!

    before photo of a flaky scalp next to an after photo of a flake-free scalp after using the scrub
    the open jar of shampoo
    Sephora, Sephora

    Briogeo is a Black- and female-founded hair care brand by Nancy Twine.

    Promising review: "The best shampoo I've ever used! I use this with the conditioner and my hair feels so amazing instantly. My hair has been falling out and thinning since I gave birth so I gave this a try as a free sample and bought the real thing instantly. My hair's getting thicker again and my split is back to normal again. I love this stuff!" —dramacitaa

    Get it from Amazon and Sephora for $42 (available in multiple sizes).

    22. professional-strength grout cleaner so you can remove years and years' worth of gross grime from your floors, countertops, and even shower tile. Did you forget that white grout existed in your home? Trust me, it's still there.

    Promising review: "We moved into our house a year ago and I’ve been on a quest to clean the grout next to the stove ever since then. I’ve tried everything — store products, DIY solutions, Pinterest recommendations, you name it. As a last resort I got this and holy cow! I left it on for three minutes as a spot test at first and I could already see a huge difference. I then did two more rounds letting it sit for five minutes each. The scent's not bad, it was fine if I had the window open, it was just being down close to it that got me. Seriously, stop looking and buy this." —Britney Phillips

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95.

    23. A pack of stain-removing, nontoxic cleaning cups — the easiest, fastest way to give your Keurig the clean it deserves so you can go back to enjoying your favorite hot beverages. Trust me, you'll get some scary good results!

    A customer review photo of the dirty water coming out of their Keurig after running the cleaning cup through it
    A customer review photo of their Keurig with a cleaning cup in it

    Promising review: "Okay, so these cleaner pods are awesome! I didn't know how gross our Keurig was until today. The big mason jar on the left is when I actually ran the cleaner through plus one rinse cycle. The middle one is another rinse cycle and the last one, on the right, is the last one I did. So yes, I would suggest running two or three rinse cycles instead of the recommended one. But it's still an awesome product for the price! I have a Keurig 2.0 and I had no issues." —Mads0421

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    24. A teeth-whitening pen because it's easier and way less annoying than the strips you have to leave on for 30+ minutes. With this pen, all you need to do is twist out the whitening gel, brush it along your top and bottom row of teeth, and you're done.

    Promising reviews: "No bad taste for whitening was really hard to come by, that was until I tried these magic working pens! Easy whitening and no bad taste is 5 stars in my book!" —Angel Cakes

    "I love this magic pen!! Brightens and whitens!!! It works! Love it!" —GK

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $14.98.

    25. A drain clog remover so you can unclog your sink, shower, and bathtub drains that are FILLED with hair. 🤢 It may be a nasty process, but the results are quite literally scary (hairy?) good.

    before photo of the drain snake sitting inside a drain
    Reviewer holding the snake, which has grabbed a massive chunk of hair from the drain

    Promising review: "When I pulled the orange plastic spiked strip from the package, I was immediately skeptical and felt like all those five-star reviews were from people who exist in an alternate universe. I was tempted to initiate a return on Amazon but decided that I might as well gamble on a piece of $9 plastic before gambling $200 on a plumber. I slipped the plastic strip down my shower drain and literally FIVE SECONDS LATER I was pulling up gobs and gobs and gobs of hair. HOLY COW!!!!!!!! OHMYGOSH. I can't believe I still have any hair left on my head. SO MUCH REPULSIVE GUNK!!!! I saved my prize hairball on the shower floor to show my husband because I knew he would be as skeptical as I was. We both agree it looks like a small raccoon or a large squirrel lying helplessly on my shower floor. It's a grisly, messy, smelly and oh-so-rewarding job." —Chocolate and Chips

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.99 (available in two colors).

    26. Sunny & Honey Carpet Miracle cleaner for those stains you never thought would come out. Whether it's food, wine, or just a high-traffic area — this cleaner will give you professional-level results.

    This carpet cleaner is from a family-run small business that specializes in cleaning products, especially ones for homes with pets!

    Promising review: "I cannot believe how incredible this carpet cleaner is!! I have four dogs, five kids, and a large home with very light carpet. This carpet cleaner literally is magic. It has gotten out red wine, coffee, raspberry stain on white carpet, old urine stains that were found WAY after the fact, and the list goes on and on. I use it in a spray bottle as a pretreatment before shampooing, and most often the stain is completely gone before I even shampoo it. When I say 'gone'…I mean GONE! And that’s with no scrubbing. It disappears like magic! To say that I’d buy it again is such an understatement. I can’t be without it!!" —Angela Raab

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (clip the coupon on the product page to save $2; available in two sizes and three scents).

    27. A super-strong scum and grime remover to rid the yeaaaars of filth that's been neglected to be cleaned and is now way too tough to try. This makes the process easy and getting a sparkling surface seem like child's play — and no, I'm not talking about Chucky!

    Promising review: "Sharing our nasty before picture so you can really see the difference! Our tub/shower has a grippy bottom, and scum and dirt cakes on there so easily. The only way I've been able to get it off before was literally scraping it inch by inch, I've spent hours and all it ever got was somewhat clean — never enough for me to want to take a real bath in it. This stuff is expensive but with the good reviews, I decided to try it. it works amazingly!! I sprayed it on (it came with a great spray nozzle and a lid) and left it for about 15–20 minutes. Then I took a brush with hard plastic bristles (I believe a soft brush would have even worked) and with less than 20 minutes of scrubbing the entire tub and walls, it was cleaner than when we moved in. The grime and scum almost, like, melted off. It smells pleasant, it's not strong smelling but in an enclosed space I still felt the need to wear a mask while cleaning. The before picture is how the tub has looked forever and normally looks if cleaned with any cleaner/brush. The white spot towards the left with the brush next to it is where I tried a little area first. The second picture is after 20 minutes of work and I'm definitely taking a bath instead of a shower tonight!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon $19.98+ (available with and without the sprayer).

    28. An upholstery cleaner that'll undo the spilled lunch, coffee, or kid-created chaos on the backseats. And while it's designed to work car interiors, reviewers say it provides "OMG"-worthy results on carpets, leather, vinyl, and the exterior of your car as well. Trust me, this is not a want, but a NEED!

    Promising review: "I have two kids. They have destroyed my back seat. Spilled chocolate milk, vomit, melted chocolate, dropped fries, dropped ice cream, spilled Gatorade — you name it, it has been spilled in my back seat. I was to the point of accepting my backseat would forever be a disgusting wasteland. Then I stumbled upon this product and y'all...Y'ALL IT WORKS! I almost cried when I sprayed it on, ran a detail brush over it, wiped it away with the cloth, and the stains were GONE. No scrubbing for 30 minutes. No 'leave to set for 15 minutes.' No carpet cleaner required. Just spray, scrub, wipe, and it takes everything off. I am now cleaning EVERYTHING with this stuff. It is AMAZING!" —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97.

    29. And a pretty spectacular wheel cleaner sure to provide results that look like night and day (seriously, look at the different in those photos!). This will get your hubcaps so shiny, it'll be like looking in four new mirrors. Just spray, let it sit, and wipe away!

    A customer review photo showing their tire before cleaning it
    A customer review photo showing their tire after cleaning it

    It works with various wheel finishes including chrome, aluminum, steel, clear-coated, PVD, painted, plastic wheel covers, magnesium, and aftermarket wheels.

    Promising review: "It will take one look from your friends to say 'Did you buy some new wheels?' This stuff is absolutely amazing. For the full effect, dismount your wheel, spray the back. Go do something for 10 minutes. Wash with water, no scrubbing needed. Turn the rim face up, do it again. Do the rest of your rims, and don't forget the tire protectant when you reinstall them. This stuff will handle salt, road tar, off-road dirt and mud — you get it dirty, it comes clean. Where was this stuff when I was racing off-road?" —johnfcon

    Get it from Amazon for $16.67+ (available in two sizes).

    30. A vegan ingrown hair oil to treat and prevent those itchy red bumps that may appear after you shave or wax. (And yes, it can be used down there too.)

    a model holding the product and applying it to their underarm
    a split image of a reviewer before and after using the oil with the look of razor bumps drastically reduced after a month

    Bushbalm is an Ottawa-based small biz with a special focus on the pubic zone(s). Their result-driven collection of products targets such grievances as ingrown hair prevention, dark spot treatment, and razor burn relief.

    BuzzFeed editor Katy Herman uses this to stay smooth after shaving:

    "I just recently received a sample of this lovely stuff, which is from an Ottawa-based small business, and I have already seen a difference in how my bikini line looks after shaving! I always struggle with razor bumps in the down-there area specifically, but this oil helps keep it soft, smooth, and bump free! The brand recommends applying it right after getting out of the shower, and you can even use it to spot-treat ingrown hairs. I'm pretty ~scent~sitive to smells, and the tea tree scent is really lovely and refreshing (it smells like a spa)! I also love the pump-style dispenser, so I don't make a greasy mess every time I use it — which, from now on, is gonna be pretty much all the time. I'm sooo excited to wear swimsuits this summer without all the bumps and irritation!"

    Get it from Amazon for $26 or straight from Bushbalm for $26.

    31. And a bottle of Oh Yuk jetted tub cleaner that'll remove the ~yucky~ stuff that's been sitting in your tub a little too long. If you've got one of these luxe home additions, this jetted tub cleaner will extract all that doesn't belong and get it back to its old, like-new self in no time. I mean, just look at those gross (yet satisfying?) results! 

    reviewer before photo showing a tub full of dirty foam while being cleaned
    reviewer after photo of the tub filled with perfectly clear water after being cleaned

    It only takes 15 minutes to clean — just run the water, pour it in, and turn the jets on!

    Oh Yuk is a family-owned small business based in Minnesota that specializes in PhD chemist-formulated cleaning products for home appliances, from dishwashers and washing machines to hot tubs and jetted bathtubs. 

    Promising review: "This stuff is great! We just bought a house and my hubby cleaned the jetted tub twice with a strong bleach solution. I bought this product based on the reviews and tried it after. Look at the crud that came out of the jets. Now our tub is all sparkly and clean! 😊" —Becky

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84.

    32. Some Bar Keepers Friend Cleanser, a miracle-working rust remover that'll have your sinks, showers, toilets, and even pots and pans looking brand spankin' new. The rust you thought was invincible has finally met its match!  

    Reviewer's before photo of burned, stained pan and after photo sparkling clean
    Another reviewer holding the bottle of powdered cleanser over sink

    The cleanser is nonabrasive, bleach-free, and effective on stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, copper alloys, fiberglass, Corian, brass, bronze, chrome, and aluminum surfaces. Simply wet the surface to be cleaned, sprinkle a small amount of cleanser on the surface, and gently rub it with a wet cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly within one minute of application and wipe it dry!

    Promising review: "My stainless steel dishwasher constantly has streaks. I tried vinegar and vegetable oil and any and all home remedies. Just bought the Bar Keepers Friend and was totally amazed: It looks like new again. No streaks." —Lacinda Campbell

    Get it from Amazon for $9.

    33. A pack of melamine cleaning sponges that are tough on grime and gentle on surfaces. Reviewers call them "magic" for a reason! 

    a before photo of a reviewer's dirty door
    the after photo of a clean door

    All you gotta do is wet and swipe!

    Promising review: "I loved this product. I own my own cleaning business and so melamine sponges are an item I use daily. Ordering the brand name ones got to be too spendy for my liking so I opted to try these after ordering and hating the many other cheaper options offered here on Amazon. These really held up well in lots of different use areas- bathroom, kitchen, walls, toys, everywhere! They are super thick and dense. I will be ordering these from now on." —Katie

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $14.95.

    34. A cooktop-cleaning kit to get your electric stove top looking like new again. It comes with everything you need, including the cleaning solution, a cleaning pad, and a scraper tool.

    Reviewer photo showing their electric stove top completely covered in food and gunk
    Same reviewer showing their stove top looking completely new and shiny

    Promising review: "Works amazingly! I hadn't thoroughly scrubbed my glass cooktop in years — only wiped down with random multicleaners that never seemed to do much. Then a friend recommended this product...AMAZING! The included scrubbers and scrapers really make the difference. As others have said, it will leave your cooktop shiny and new. Even marks that had been on there for years came almost completely off...98% better. The key is to use very little product; let dry to a haze; and wipe with a clean, dry cotton towel (just like waxing a car). If you aren't getting a mirrored finish, it's because you've used too much product and not enough elbow grease to polish off." —B. Swartwood

    Get a pack of four from Amazon for $11.48.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.